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Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:54 am
by Mermersk
Hi all,

So this is my second game in Löve engine, and much more of a "game" opposed the first one. The scope is bigger and much more coding, but I probably couldn't have made it without the experience I gained with the duck-game.

I remember playing this kind of a game in my youth, and of course remade in flash if I remember correctly. Kinda like a endless runner except not endless :huh:
AlCQ4cB.png (205.63 KiB) Viewed 506 times
Any feedback is welcome!

Re: Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:25 am
by riidom
After game starts, I see the ship, but not the level, everything is blank white.

Re: Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:20 pm
by ArchAngel075
pretty fun for when im trying to procrastinate some time away :D.
Though i noticed sometimes i collide with nothing, this happens around the start and 1400 pixels in.

Re: Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:48 pm
by Mermersk
riidom wrote:After game starts, I see the ship, but not the level, everything is blank white.
Hmm have never had that happened to me.... are you using löveliness or something else?
ArchAngel075 wrote:pretty fun for when im trying to procrastinate some time away :D.
Though i noticed sometimes i collide with nothing, this happens around the start and 1400 pixels in.
Hehe, yes, the collision detection system is based around scanning each pixel and give back the color(rgb values), so if it isn't white then you get collision, but I did try to remedy that by putting the values at "anything less than 220, 220, 220, = collision" and it fixed it somewhat. I believe this crash is quite rare?

Re: Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:30 pm
by riidom
Hi, no everything default here, 0.8.0 with lowest possible support, no canvases etc. Could this play a role? Usually I would get a BSOL right in the beginning then, I believe. On my second test a min ago it crashed even. No idea what is going on there.

Re: Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:31 pm
by BulbaMander
It looks really cool but the game crashes and the window becomes unresponsive when I hit the left mouse button. I think it might be getting stuck in a loop somewhere.

Re: Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:04 pm
by veethree
On first run, I didn't read the text in the menu and the spaceship slowly drifted down and crashed into the ground as i spammed my keyboard attempting to figure out the controls. Upon collision with the ground love crashed. (Yes crashed, not the blue error screen, the window became unresponsive.) After force quitting it, I tried again, this time following instructions, And i seemed to collide with thin air and explode. So i tried once more, And it crashed love again soon as i pressed LMB, I assume that once i pressed LMB it accelerated the ship into the ceiling, Causing love to crash, Which leads me to believe that the crash issue has to do with the spaceship to wall collision code.

I find the art style pretty interesting, And the gameplay could be a little entertaining if the bugs weren't present.

Re: Lone Explorer of the Cosmos

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:56 am
by Mermersk
Hmm, this bug is very strange, I sometimes play the game 10 times through, and no crash, but then sometimes it pops up out of nowhere, and at no specific location :x . I hope it works for most. It certainly works most of the time on my computer.