If you don't know anything about it, and don't want to follow the link I provided, it's basically a zero-player game. Which means that after you set the initial conditions, there's not really anything for you to do but sit back and watch what happens.
It's meant to be a kind of celluar automation. There's basically a grid and each square on the grid is either 'alive' or 'dead'. They have certain criteria as when to be born, when to die, and when to survive.
I realise it's not the most fun thing to play, but you can get some weird and cool results.

Left click with mouse to create a block, right click to destroy one.
Space to pause
Up/Down to change speed by 0.1
PageUp/PageDown to change speed by 1
Home/End to floor/ceiling speed
Things to add:
- Looping the grid, maybe having it optional
- Allowing user to change birth and survival criteria
- Allowing user to change size of grid and grid squares
- Pretty colours!
- Maybe a button for advancing forwards one tick
- If I'm really ambitious, maybe going backwards... Probably won't happen though