Code: Select all
mapLoader = MapLoader()
Alright, I'm guess this is going to be something painfully basic that any self respecting Lua coder would know, but I've just started getting into Lua and my grasp of some of it is still a bit shaky...
In any case, I ran across an old project someone made a while back here called FEZ that is a framework for a component based entity system. I've been in the process of figuring out how it works looking at the demo code and FEZ's code, and I think I've got some idea of what's going on. The first piece of code I want to get working is basically just supposed to draw the map on the screen, just to make sure that the component system is working as intended so I can add the rest of the stuff in. Unfortunately, it doesn't run, and give me an error saying:
Code: Select all
preload.lua:35: attempt to call global 'MapLoader' (a nil value)
Code: Select all
preload = {}
require "EntityFactory"
require "attributes.GameStateAttribute"
require "util.fez.ControllerManager"
require "util.fez.EntityManager"
require "util.fez.EntityTagManager"
require "util.fez.EventDispatcher"
require "util.fez.AspectManager"
require "util.fez.Component"
require "util.fez.ComponentCache"
require "controllers.MapController"
require "renderers.MapRenderer"
require "MapLoader"
function preload.init()
entityManager = EntityManager()
controllerManager = ControllerManager()
game = createGame()
gameState = entityManager:getComponentFromEntity( game, GameStateAttribute )
mapController = MapController( controllerManager )
mapRenderer = MapRenderer( controllerManager )
mapLoader = MapLoader() --This is the error line.
MapLoader:load( 'resources/levels/level1.lua' )
return preload
Code: Select all
MapLoader = {}
function MapLoader:load( filepath )
local mapLuaFile = love.filesystem.load( filepath )
local leveldata = mapLuaFile()
local tileset = self:loadTiles( leveldata.tilesets[1] )
local mainLayer = mapdata.layers[1]
local tilemap =
local map = entityManager:createEntity('level')
entityManager:addComponentToEntity( level, LevelAttribute( leveldata, tileset, tilemap ) )
entityManager:refreshEntity( level )
return map
function MapLoader:loadTiles( tileset )
local graphics =
local quads = {}
local numberOfTiles = (tileset.imagewidth / tileset.tilewidth) * (tileset.imageheight / tileset.tileheight)
local image = graphics.newImage( tileset.image )
local spriteBatch = graphics.newSpriteBatch( image, 1000 )
local i = 1
for y = 0, (tileset.imageheight / tileset.tileheight)-1 do
for x = 0, (tileset.imagewidth / tileset.tilewidth)-1 do
quads[i] = graphics.newQuad(x * tileset.tilewidth, y * tileset.tileheight,
tileset.tilewidth, tileset.tileheight,
tileset.imagewidth, tileset.imageheight
i = i + 1
return {
['data'] = tileset;
['quads'] = quads;
['spriteBatch'] = spriteBatch;
return MapLoader
EDIT: gah, forgot to complete the title... then I had to wait for it to be accepted. Oh well, fixed now.