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Greetings, good people of this forum.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:33 am
by thegenius
It is I, thegenius. I am new to everything involving LÖVE, including this forum. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, of course. The only large obstacle I've encountered is inspiration, an idea for a game, and I'm hoping you may be able to help me with that. That is all I have left to say, perhaps you may introduce yourselves so I can familiarize myself with those here.

Re: Greetings, good people of this forum.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:54 am
by kikito
Hi, thegenious, welcome.

In my experience ideas are not the difficult part, but execution. Having the patience and tenacity to endure from the idea state to the finished game state isn't common.

That said, since you are new to LÖVE (and Lua, I pressume?) I'd recommend starting with something small. The typical example is a breakout clone. But other classics will do too - snake, space invaders, tyrian, etc.

Once you have done at least one of those I'd "level up" to the next step - a platformer of any kind or a roguelike.

Then you could, if you wanted, try doing an RPG or a strategy game.

There are some interesting game mechanics at the top of the the Free Game Resources wiki

Re: Greetings, good people of this forum.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:52 am
by ivan
Coming up with the the game mechanic/idea is the fun part. :)
It's probably best to brainstorm and experiment with it yourself.
If you haven't programmed games before, like kikito said, you may want to take an existing concept and add your own unique twist to it.

Re: Greetings, good people of this forum.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:13 pm
by thegenius
Experience with Lua is no problem, I have built up quite a bit of knowledge of it. I'd like to thank you for the suggestions so far, they are probably the best one's I'll get. I can tell that this is a community worth contributing to.

Re: Greetings, good people of this forum.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:24 pm
by Taehl
Just remember: It's better to make a game that's too small than one that's too big - the former can still be awesome, and the latter will never get finished. Besides, small games are ripe for larger sequels.

Re: Greetings, good people of this forum.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:18 pm
by TechnoCat
Taehl wrote:Just remember: It's better to make a game that's too small than one that's too big - the former can still be awesome, and the latter will never get finished. Besides, small games are ripe for larger sequels.
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