Mr Grombit, a Mario-like patformer [0.31]

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Mr Grombit, a Mario-like patformer [0.31]

Post by andrew.207 »

Hey guys, only recently got into LOVE/LUA. It's good fun.

I'm working under Arch Linux, using the ZeroBrane IDE, Tiled for mapping, Audacity / MilkyTracker / OpenMPT for music/sound, Gimp for graphics. The jump sound was off some loyalty free website. Music is old, but original.

This game has underlying code written by MasterShizzle, (however it is highly modified) who wrote the animation stuff. It also uses Advanced Tile Loader viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2567 for mapping and stuff. Appropriate credits are given within the code.

Basically it is a plotless platformer at the moment, you just follow the level until you get to the end. There is a weak sort of tutorial in the first level. At present there are only 3 and a half levels, obviously in time there will be more. Before levels start getting pumped out I figure the engine and mechanics need to be ironed out, which leads into my reason for posting here.

I have literally three days experience (at time of posting) of experience in LUA. Please tell me if there's anything done blatantly wrong, codewise or mechanics-wise that I should look into fixing.

Known bugs:
You fall inside blocks sometimes. Eject script coming! (Mario Bros style)

What's coming:
Lakitu-style smart camera
Powerups that dissapear when eaten
Being able to wall-kick for a short period of time after releasing your grip on the wall
More levels, graphics, music and sounds!
(4.38 MiB) Downloaded 195 times
Added in smooth camera (super alpha stages)
Graphics fixes

Made physics better again
Added a bunch more sprites
Optimised love:update and camera

Made physics feel a lot more solid
Wall kicks a bit better

Modified move speed whilst in the air
Modified wall-kicks to work better
Fixed some graphics


ARROW KEYS to move, X to jump ` to toggle dev overlay, Q to restart level. See attachment for the game.
[out of date]
(4.38 MiB) Downloaded 82 times
[out of date]
(4.37 MiB) Downloaded 110 times
Last edited by andrew.207 on Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:12 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Mr Grombit, a Mario-like patformer

Post by bartbes »

It's definitely a little rough around the edges and a bit floaty, but otherwise this is pretty cool!
One minor nitpick, level 1 says the speed cap is 400, I think it's 350. ;)
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