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sleep() in default

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:12 pm
by chrism
Can someone explain why this is in the default code?

Code: Select all

if love.timer then love.timer.sleep(1) end
Does something break if you don't do that?

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:21 pm
by genericdave
It's probably there to keep love from using 100% cpu all the time, even if it isn't actually doing anything.

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:28 pm
by chrism
If that's the case, then you probably don't need it if you limit your FPS somewhere else?

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:32 pm
by Robin
Nope. It's there so people can have really simple love.updates, not change and still don't have CPU monopoly.

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:45 am
by Rad3k
I also wondered why default sleeps for 1 milisecond each frame. It seems quite arbitrary.
Robin wrote:Nope. It's there so people can have really simple love.updates, not change and still don't have CPU monopoly.
Wouldn't the OS handle this? Either way, most games that use default eat as much CPU as they can (unless they use VSync), so it doesn't seem to help much.

Why not cap framerate to something reasonable by default? Is there any sense in squeezing more frames per second than your monitor can display? Most monitors I have used had refresh rate of 60Hz, although I know that some newer have 120Hz. I don't like it when really simple games make my laptop fans scream...

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:10 am
by genericdave
In general, Love seems to be designed for maximum flexibility, rather than braindead ease of use. Maybe I want to update some logic faster than Vsync. Maybe not. I can set Vsync if I want. I can leave it off. It's up to me. You could even remove that sleep statement if it bothers you for some reason. Try removing it and see what happens. It's just there to be nice to your OS.

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:52 am
by bartbes
It is a huge difference, and I have anecdotal evidence to back that up!
In all seriousness, 1ms might seem useless, it is not. It won't sleep for 1ms, because I doubt it has millisecond accuracy. What it does do, is it tells the OS "Oh hey, take your time to do something else, we can wait for a bit!".

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:20 am
by Rad3k
I get it. I tried running a game with this line commented out, and it resulted in game using even more cpu than normally. But still, even with this sleep, most games use much more cpu power than they need.

I understand the flexibility, and I like it that everyone can supply their own tailored to their particular needs. I always do it myself, but that's because the default one doesn't seem to be good if you don't want to waste cpu cycles. That is, unless you use VSync, but I guess it's not wise to rely on it. This is I use in all my projects:

Code: Select all

function ()
	-- these don't change, so we can make them local for faster access
	local audio, graphics =,
	local event, timer = love.event, love.timer

	-- Prepare stuff
	if love.load then love.load(arg) end

    local dt = 0

	if timer then
		-- Set a reasonable FPS limit
		local FPS = 60
		dt = 1/FPS

	-- Main loop
	while true do
		-- Update the timer
		if timer then timer.step() end

		-- Process events
		if event then
			for e, a, b, c in event.poll() do
				if e == "q" then
					if not love.quit or not love.quit() then
						if audio then audio.stop() end
				love.handlers[e](a, b, c)
		-- Do the game mechanic
		if love.update then love.update(dt) end

		-- Draw the graphics
		if graphics then
			if love.draw then love.draw() end

		-- Wait for the end of this frame
		if timer then
			local time_work = timer.getDelta()
			if time_work < dt then
				timer.sleep((dt - time_work) * 1000)

		-- Show the frame
		if graphics then
If you add it to any game that doesn't supply its own, it shouldn't break anything - you should only get constant framerate of 60 fps, regardless of VSync setting (EDIT: actually not - it works reliably only with VSync turned off). The dt is actually constant, which may be a good thing if you use love.physics - according to Box2D manual, it doesn't like variable timestep. Are there any cons for making something like this default?

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:40 am
by genericdave
Rad3k wrote:The dt is actually constant, which may be a good thing if you use love.physics - according to Box2D manual, it doesn't like variable timestep.
You need to read this.

Re: sleep() in default

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:49 pm
by Rad3k
genericdave wrote:You need to read this.
Yes, I considered doing something like this in case it proved necessary. I will look into it.