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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:58 pm
by tsturzl
Working on a game I'm calling Plazma. Concept is knock the other player off the screen, however you shoot plasma!(particle emitter) It uses physics to knock the players around the map, and you can pick up power ups that will increase your friction, mass, and pushing force, aswell as power ups that nerf your enemies friction, mass and pushing force.

For version one I plan to have a blank map(no obstacles), and 2 player via network(no 1 player) using UDP so no server needed. Few Power Ups if any, and they are activated upon getting them.

Ideal long term goal, 2-4 players, map obstacles, you can hold 2 power-ups and use them strategically, and a match making server with TCP based chat and usernames to use for match making(looks better than trading IP addresses).

Tell me what you think

I'll update this post from here down:

Current goal: 2 bots that fight with plasma, and try to push each other off the map, using physics and particle engine.
  • Network handled on another thread done using UDP.
  • Physics implemented.
  • Player object nearly complete.
  • Keybindings.
  • Implement simple gameplay
  • think of game play and implement it..

Re: Plazma

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:04 pm
by TechnoCat
I'd play the shit out of this game. :neko:
I'd just say make sure it does keyboard and joystick and optionally mouse for controllers.

Re: Plazma

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:17 pm
by tsturzl
Controls are planned to be WASD movement, and mouse for aiming the plasma cannon. Optional for joystick may be the d-pad on the joystick for movement and the joystick for aiming, or WASD for movement and joystick to aim.

I'm not sure, though I'll probably worry about adding in different types of controller support later, as its not the primary concern.

Re: Plazma

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:53 am
by SoggyWaffles
I can already hear the trash talking... Good luck, I'll be keeping an eye on this project for sure.

Re: Plazma

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:43 pm
by tsturzl
Trash talking? Whys that?

Its just a simple idea, physics in Love2D are pretty easy to use, and the particle system isn't that hard either. That and I got an amazing artist. So things should go smoothly. Isn't my first time I've used networking in a game either, did a really simple concept game in PyGame a year back that used networking to sync player movement via UDP.

Re: Plazma

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:31 pm
by SoggyWaffles
tsturzl wrote:Trash talking? Whys that?
Cause I'm going to be winning and other people are going to be losing and they aren't going to like it! Thats why!!

I also used mess with PyGame as well, but came over this side, the community is a lot nicer here.

Re: Plazma

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:49 am
by tsturzl
Progress report! Read the top post ^^^^

Re: Plazma

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:48 am
by BlackBulletIV
Sounds like a great idea to me. Good luck with it!
tsturzl wrote:Trash talking? Whys that?
He means trash talking between players; it happens a lot in competitive games where players have a medium to communicate with each other.

Re: Plazma

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:52 am
by tsturzl
BlackBulletIV wrote:Sounds like a great idea to me. Good luck with it!
He means trash talking between players; it happens a lot in competitive games where players have a medium to communicate with each other.
Yeah I got that now. Hopefully I get far enough in to implement means of communication, if so it'll only be simple txt chat.

Re: Plazma

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:40 pm
by tsturzl
Just to let you guys know the game will be Commercial however no more than $5 to buy it, I'm assuming that it will be 1-2 USD to purchase.

DRM free, just don't pirate it or I'll break your legs.