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Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:21 pm
by kikito
Some people on these forums have said that they were dyslexic, or knew someone that was.

I just came across this font which is supposed to help dyslexic people read more easily. ... -dyslexie/

(the original site,, seems to be down for some reason. On that site you could see the font applied on all the pages)

I could not find a monospaced font to use for programming, though. I don't know whether it would help or defeat the point.

In any case, I'm putting it here in the hopes that some of you might find it useful.

EDIT: I've also been told to "Squash the mith that Comic Sans is good for dyslexia". So there you go. That's another thing Comic Sans is bad at. Don't use it.

Re: Dyslexie

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:17 pm
by Robin
Maybe the Ubuntu font family might be useful for dyslexics as well (and it is Free), although I haven't seen any research on it.

Also, that site features some horrible English, especially the video. ("How can we prevent this to happen?")

Re: Dyslexie

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:07 am
by Tesselode
How exactly can a font be better or worse for dyslexic people?

Re: Dyslexie

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:30 am
by Robin
Tesselode wrote:How exactly can a font be better or worse for dyslexic people?
It has to do with the way their brains work. I can't explain it exactly, since I don't have dyslexia. It is explained a bit in the video on the Dyslexie font site. (Basically, letters tend to "dance around", which makes texts harder to read. By giving letters a stronger profile and accentuating their differences, they can help them not seeing letters as a huge heap of crawling ants.)

Re: Dyslexie

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:51 pm
by T-Bone
I'm very much looking forward to using the Ubuntu Mono font when it's done. The Ubuntu font, as it is, is very easy on the eyes and generally pleasant to read. If it's good for dyslectics, then it's even better!

Re: Dyslexie

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:24 am
by Ryne
kikito wrote: EDIT: I've also been told to "Squash the mith that Comic Sans is good for dyslexia". So there you go. That's another thing Comic Sans is bad at. Don't use it.
but what would the world be without Comic Sans?

"a better place" is the answer to that question.

Re: Dyslexie

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:22 pm
by tentus
@Ryne: Better.

Edit: Read your mini text. Ha!