I'm looking for two identical pre-game and pause menu's to add to my game. If you provide a script (ideally with lots of helpful comments) and I don't modify more than 50% of it (ignoring comments) then I will give you the current script for my game which you are free to use however you like.
However I must warn you the game is extremely underdeveloped atm and I feel you probably won't get much from it, so basically I'm asking that if you have a nice menu script lying around that you're not using (or are but don't add much value to it, or you are and you do add value to it but you're a strange/kind person) then I'd really appreciate being able to use it.
Certain aspects that I'm looking for are as follows:
- Buttons becomes highlighted when user presses up/down.
- "Play", "Controls" and "Exit" are the three buttons in the centre of the screen, vertically aligned and fairly large.
- Flat-coloured background (no custom image), don't mind which colour.