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3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:30 am
by retrotails
At the moment, it's only 2D. But it has working random puzzles. I know about the existence of NO, this plans to be more then that.

- Use arrows to move, space to select and left control to mark
- Delete key clears
- Mouse can make straight and 45° lines
- New puzzle generated when solved
- Edit main.lua to change board size to literally anything. 100x100, 1x1 etc.
- Edit conf.lua to set any resolution
- Tile size automatic and always a power of 2
- Stolen Mario Super Picross sprites
- Uses a canvas to greatly speed up rendering, but is not required

- Adds support for multiple puzzles to make multi-colored images
- Adds backgrounds
- Adds a test puzzle that has 2 parts (4 shades)
- Switch between boards with top row of numbers
- Better multi-resolution support
- Slightly better performance
- Canvases now required - my i7/HD5770 only gets 60 FPS with no canvases and 600 FPS with them, so netbooks without canvas support can't play it anyway.

- "fakecanvas" for better support

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:47 am
by MarekkPie
I love picross (or nonograms as they are originally called). Looks good.

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:33 am
by mickeyjm
I think I found a bug, If you click on all the tiles it resets the game.

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:20 pm
by micha
Nicely done.
You could improve the game by adding a short "You won!" or "You solved the puzzle" message. The transition between the solved puzzle and the new one is a bit abrupt.

I am curious: How do you check if the solution is unique?

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:48 pm
by MarekkPie
micha wrote:Nicely done.
You could improve the game by adding a short "You won!" or "You solved the puzzle" message. The transition between the solved puzzle and the new one is a bit abrupt.

I am curious: How do you check if the solution is unique?
It looks like he builds the solution, then reads the clues from the solution, rather than the other way around.

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:31 pm
by micha
MarekkPie wrote:
micha wrote:I am curious: How do you check if the solution is unique?
It looks like he builds the solution, then reads the clues from the solution, rather than the other way around.
I would do it the same way. But that only guarantees that there is at least one solution. It does not guarantee that there is exactly one solution.
Here is an example puzzle with two solutions.

Code: Select all

 |1 1   |1 1
-+---  -+---
1|x 0  1|0 x
1|0 x  1|x 0

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:38 pm
by retrotails
micha wrote:
MarekkPie wrote:
micha wrote:I am curious: How do you check if the solution is unique?
It looks like he builds the solution, then reads the clues from the solution, rather than the other way around.
I would do it the same way. But that only guarantees that there is at least one solution. It does not guarantee that there is exactly one solution.
Here is an example puzzle with two solutions.

Code: Select all

 |1 1   |1 1
-+---  -+---
1|x 0  1|0 x
1|0 x  1|x 0
The code that checks to see if you've won is far from finished, it will probably allow multiple solutions in the future by checking to see if your answers match clues but I don't think random puzzles will be in the game at all so I might not bother. If I were to randomly generate puzzles with exactly one solution that might take quite a long time to compute and code.

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:33 pm
by micha
retrotails wrote:The code that checks to see if you've won is far from finished, it will probably allow multiple solutions in the future by checking to see if your answers match clues but I don't think random puzzles will be in the game at all so I might not bother. If I were to randomly generate puzzles with exactly one solution that might take quite a long time to compute and code.
Ah ok. Predefined levels have the additional advantage, that you can regulate the difficulty and you can draw actual pictures.

By the way, in this collection there is a nonogram-game, called "patterns" which randomly generates puzzles. They are checked for uniqueness, I think. And the games are open-source. So in case you are interested, maybe that can help you..

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:44 am
by retrotails
'aight, v2.0 released.
See if you can solve it without cheating.
It won't tell you if you've got it right.

Re: 3D Picross

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:36 am
by micha
I think you packed the .love incorrectly. Love cannot find the main.lua and returns an error.