I really appreciate all the feedback.
The ship's hit model should more accurately reflect the shape now, rather than just being a rectangle, and I've made a simple scoring system based on remaining fuel and how smooth the landing was.
Lastly, there is now sound and music.
I've only included two background tunes, which can be cycled with the M key. This can also turn the music completely off.
I did a google search for free sounds and found some good liberally licensed audio.
Since the file is getting larger, I've uploaded it here:
http://tyranny.ckt.net/land.love and I'll keep this copy up to date.
I seem to recall reading that you guys intend to rewrite the audio module. I had trouble getting thruster sounds to work the way I wanted so I just didn't include them.
It would be nice to be able to stop a specific sound instead of having to stop the entire sound system, as well as check to see if a specific sound is still playing. It would also be nice to be able to do something like
love.audio.play(mysound, 20, 200, x), where the prototype is play(sound/music, start milliseconds, end milliseconds, repeat).
I also ran into a problem with love.filesystem on ubuntu 8.04. I can't create the ~/.love directory from within love, and if I create it myself and then try to make a new file, I get a segmentation fault.
If I try newFile without a file mode, I just get a file not found error.
Please let me know if I'm just doing something wrong.
Otherwise, if I can get some time, I'd be glad to work through some of the audio / filesystem issues and submit a patch, but we should all probably be on the same page first.