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LÖVE needs a wiki and a ticket system

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:36 am
by qubodup
Some people think that the [[LÖVE]] community can profit from a wiki. I recently started agreeing.

== Motivation ==

The LÖVE-using games and LÖVE-extending libraries need to be listed. Wikis are one possible and good tool for listing things. (Yes, this currently is the only motivation ''I'' have.)

== Experience ==

I have had experience with only a few wiki softwares so far. These include the following:

=== MediaWiki ===

[ MediaWiki] is the system used by Wikipedia, [ FreeGameDevWiki] and [ Libregamewiki]. It is probably my favorite, as I am used to it's syntax, like it's default features (Categories, Templates) and adore the fact that the namespace of a page is in it's URL and <nowiki><h1></nowiki> title.

There are loads of extensions for this wiki software, including a [ ... ntegration phpBB connector].

=== PmWiki ===

I encountered [ PmWiki] on [ Freedroid]'s and [ Nexuiz' wiki]. I don't like that it uses [ CamelCase] for URLs/page names.

=== Trac ===

Trac is an issue tracking system that can be connected with the revision control system (Subversion). It includes a [ wiki], which supports HTML and textile syntax.

It thankfully allows whitespace in the URL and title.

Trac can be connected to phpBB's user table via [ a plugin].

== Notes ==

This forum post is formatted using [ MediaWiki's default syntax]. You can see how what it looks like when rendered in [ ... troduction this example].

== Links ==

* [ Wiki software]
* [ ... i_software Comparison of wiki software]

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:52 am
by qubodup
What do you think? Does LÖVE really need a wiki? (Allready?) What would you use it for?

Does it need an issue tracker? Would you report bugs?

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:03 am
by rude
Nice. Will probably use MediaWiki due to seemingly simple phpBB3 integration.

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:16 am
by Merkoth
An bugtracker is needed. But on the other hand, rude and mike have been doing fine without one, so far :P

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:24 am
by osgeld
media wiki is the way to go

if nothing else it lets us contribute and edit the documentation at will/need

(for what its worth i hate wiki syntaxes, but i think most of them have simple bb code mods available)

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:28 am
by mike
Hmm, letting you guys edit the documentation? Is that a good idea? Can we really trust you??
Hehe, of course it would take a load off our back when it comes to adding new tutorials and such, but I think that the reference manual shouldn't be wikiable. Or maybe I'm just being a control freak.

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:05 pm
by rude
Merkoth wrote:An bugtracker is needed. But on the other hand, rude and mike have been doing fine without one, so far
Ok, but I didn't like Trac. It seemed huge and confusing.
osgeld wrote:if nothing else it lets us contribute and edit the documentation at will/need
You'll be able to add examples, but it won't be user-editable beyond that.

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:55 pm
by Merkoth
rude wrote:
Merkoth wrote:An bugtracker is needed. But on the other hand, rude and mike have been doing fine without one, so far
Ok, but I didn't like Trac. It seemed huge and confusing.
I think the same about BugZilla. I don't know, maybe I'm growing old and bugtracker-dependant. I'm becoming a grumpy programmer :cry:

SimpleTracker and Lua-wikis

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:41 pm
by qubodup
Reporting issues is hard. Does anyone know a simple bug tracker/issue tracker/ticket software interface?
I decided to talke a closer look at SimpleTicket[url], because its name holds a promise.
ST is a Ruby/Rails software that works with MySQL and a number of servers and uses a YML file for configuration.

Unfortunately, the software appears to be dead. It uses rails 1.1.6 (and only that. rails is currently at 2.2) and installing 1.1.6 still leads to some Gem::SourceIndex#search support for String patterns is deprecated warning, that aborts rake. No ST then.

Side notice: I found two Lua-based wikis ^^
osgeld wrote:(for what its worth i hate wiki syntaxes, but i think most of them have simple bb code mods available)
:shock: BBcode syntax contains nearly as much redundant characters as HTML! I think you should give modern syntax a second chance.

Re: LÖVE needs a wiki

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:56 pm
by surtic
At the time I was looking for an issue tracker for my work (a couple of years ago). I installed Trac and I can't really say anything bad about it - the form you have to fill is minimal, and the integration between the wiki, the issues and subversion is legendary (you can link from the wiki to subversion revision and to issues and the other way around).

Eventually we dropped it for JIRA because it doesn't really have a good permission system or multiple projects (we wanted to let our customers use it, but not to see each other's issues). I have to say that JIRA has many features, but it's not as sweet as Trac.

Before that I was running a few trials with Mantis and Roundup, but Trac was really the nicest (in my opinion).