NO is by no means a full, complete or well game. It isn't responding to the chemotherapy and we have contacted friends and relatives as the end is drawing innevitably closer...
Anyway, it was never intended as a complete game but more of a "more than just moving graphics" tech demo to be released with LÖVE. I made it while sleep deprived one cold Tuesday morning and there are MANY things that I overlooked. The music is rude's fault by the way, he made sure I didn't take the fall for that. I could always whip up something simple on my guitar but I am not a "game musician" (aka: I cannot make things that loop... I apparently also can't make music loop in the game.. I honestly never expected anyone to play the game so long that the music would end). As for the multiple solutions bug, it resides deep within the code and I was aware of it when I was making it. Either I can have one solution and save myself some work or I could allow for multiple solutions and make a more complete game. I chose the former as I was growing quite tired by that point.
I will take your suggestions under advicement, but seeing as the game is more of an advanced tech demo than anything else I doubt a google code project will ever exist for it (a MOPK page may be created, but we shall see about that) and the license is actually "do whatever, I don't care". If it ever changes, it is more likely that I will re-code the entire thing and release it as NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide?) or something...
PS: Thanks for the feedback, though. I love hearing about someone who has enjoyed the game enough to actually complain about its shortcomings!

PPS: I love how you, who joined scantly a week ago, has adopted the "OBEY" avatar guideline.