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Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:53 pm
by RPG
This is demonstration of our new game - Monopoly. You can't play yourself, but you can see how AI players play each other.

Game is not playable and still in development.

Of course, this game based on lQuery :cool:


Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:06 pm
by BarnD
That is awesome, cant wait till it is playable.
But it's still fun watching it play itself. :D

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:24 pm
by Ghuntar
Cool ! Nice animation (no teleport or laggy step by step animation), no joke, I think it's important, it make the game more "professional". I thought I was the only one to make game that You cannot play with ^o^. Maybe I should post my Domino game (even if the quality is way below this Monopoly).

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:27 pm
by TechnoCat
I like the easing effects, but I don't really like how they cut corners. Good work.

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:14 pm
by RPG
You can not play this Monopoly (yet) but you can watch the different game situations and even bet on the players :) .
Ghuntar wrote:I thought I was the only one to make game that You cannot play with ^o^
It will be playable as vs computer and online. We simply have not yet finished the GUI and server side... First release will be only singleplayer: human vs computer.
TechnoCat wrote:but I don't really like how they cut corners
Whar does it mean?

We (the developers:) also expect you to the wishes and ideas for this game, because we have serious intentions.

I also want to say that this monopoly is used logos of popular companies, but the final release will most likely not use these logos because of copyright restrictions.

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:40 pm
by nevon
RPG wrote:
TechnoCat wrote:but I don't really like how they cut corners
Whar does it mean?
The pieces move directly from their starting point to their destination. It would look better if the pieces moved one step at a time.

I have to say though, I love how smooth all those transitions and whatnot look. For my next project, I will definitely be using lquery. Good job!

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:01 pm
by RPG
nevon wrote:
RPG wrote:
TechnoCat wrote:but I don't really like how they cut corners
Whar does it mean?
The pieces move directly from their starting point to their destination. It would look better if the pieces moved one step at a time.
Similarly, I do not like how they cut corners. In the next version chips will move, visiting corner cells, if necessary.

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:34 pm
by Robin
I let them play for a while, this is the result:
epicness2.png (682.82 KiB) Viewed 3016 times
EDIT: I let it play even longer. When it reached $10 M, I called it quits.

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:55 pm
by BlackBulletIV
Nice man! I did notice one problem (or is it?), the memory meter up the top keeps climbing up to about 750/760, then it drops back to about 400, and then it starts over again. Luckily it doesn't just keep climbing, so it's not serious.

Re: Monopoly game (demo)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:00 pm
by slime
I think that's just the Lua GC doing its job.

Good work on the game. :D