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'love' in cmd?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:18 pm
by Freze
Hey. I just installed LOVE on windows, read a part of the guides. But when I was trying to do love in my cmd, it just comes with the standard 'love wasn't recognized bla bla' thing.

So.. Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?
Could be because I haven't restarted yet, if so, please tell me. I'll restart ;).

Re: 'love' in cmd?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:27 pm
by bartbes
If you want to use it without a full path you need to add the path to the install to your PATH. (How many times can I say "path" in a sentence?)
Unfortunately, I forgot how to do it :P.

Re: 'love' in cmd?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:18 pm
by Freze
That's alright ;). Thanks for the fast reply :).

(You can use path like this:)
Lets pretend you said that
sentance = sentance or ""
newstring = string.explode(sentance, " ")

Depending how long your sentance is ;).

I don't know if love has the # operator. But where I come from, lua does :D

Re: 'love' in cmd?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:20 pm
by TechnoCat
bartbes wrote:If you want to use it without a full path you need to add the path to the install to your PATH. (How many times can I say "path" in a sentence?)
Unfortunately, I forgot how to do it :P.
On NT based systems. Right click "my computer" -> properties, then go to the "advanced", click on environment variables at the bottom, Click on "PATH" under "User variables" and click edit. Add something like ;C:\Program Files\LOVE, depending on where your love.exe is of course.
Remember to separate paths by semicolons.

Re: 'love' in cmd?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:14 pm
by Freze
Thanks man. I owe you one ;).