I'm having trouble flipping an image loaded with love.graphics.newImage. I see functions for rotating and scaling but nothing for flipping or transforming an image.
Any help?
flipping image
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Re: flipping image
There's no built-in solution for flipping images.
However, you can use mapPixel for great success.
Untested. Should work. Takes an ImageData as an argument. It's probably very slow.
Edit: Actually, doesn't work. Give me some time and I'll have something working.
Here's a flip function I wrote (complete with an example), just for you:
Don't call it too much, as it's not very fast at all. You should only create your flipped images once.
Code: Select all
function horizontalflip(imagedata)
local width = imagedata:getWidth()
imagedata:mapPixel(function (x, y)
return imagedata:getpixel(width - x, y)
return love.graphics.newImage(imagedata)
function verticalflip(imagedata)
local height = imagedata:getHeight()
imagedata:mapPixel(function (x, y)
return imagedata:getpixel(x, height - y)
return love.graphics.newImage(imagedata)
Edit: Actually, doesn't work. Give me some time and I'll have something working.
Here's a flip function I wrote (complete with an example), just for you:
Code: Select all
function flip(dir, imagedata)
local t, width, height = {}, imagedata:getWidth(), imagedata:getHeight()
for x = 1, width do
t[x] = {}
for y = 1, height do
if dir == "h" then
t[x][y] = {imagedata:getPixel(width - x, y - 1)}
elseif dir == "v" then
t[x][y] = {imagedata:getPixel(x - 1, height - y)}
for x = 1, width do
for y = 1, height do
imagedata:setPixel(x - 1, y - 1, unpack(t[x][y]))
return love.graphics.newImage(imagedata)
function love.load()
data = love.image.newImageData("img.png")
img = love.graphics.newImage(data)
himg = flip("h", data)
vimg = flip("v", data)
function love.draw()
love.graphics.draw(img, 5, 5)
love.graphics.draw(himg, 5, 205)
love.graphics.draw(vimg, 5, 405)
Re: flipping image
You can supply a negative value to the sx, and sy (scale) parameters of love.graphics.draw() to flip your image on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively.
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