flipping image

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flipping image

Post by tsturzl »

I'm having trouble flipping an image loaded with love.graphics.newImage. I see functions for rotating and scaling but nothing for flipping or transforming an image.

Any help?
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Re: flipping image

Post by thelinx »

There's no built-in solution for flipping images.

However, you can use mapPixel for great success.

Code: Select all

function horizontalflip(imagedata)
  local width = imagedata:getWidth()
  imagedata:mapPixel(function (x, y)
    return imagedata:getpixel(width - x, y)
  return love.graphics.newImage(imagedata)
function verticalflip(imagedata)
  local height = imagedata:getHeight()
  imagedata:mapPixel(function (x, y)
    return imagedata:getpixel(x, height - y)
  return love.graphics.newImage(imagedata)
Untested. Should work. Takes an ImageData as an argument. It's probably very slow.
Edit: Actually, doesn't work. Give me some time and I'll have something working.

Here's a flip function I wrote (complete with an example), just for you:

Code: Select all

function flip(dir, imagedata)
	local t, width, height = {}, imagedata:getWidth(), imagedata:getHeight()
	for x = 1, width do
		t[x] = {}
		for y = 1, height do
			if dir == "h" then
				t[x][y] = {imagedata:getPixel(width - x, y - 1)}
			elseif dir == "v" then
				t[x][y] = {imagedata:getPixel(x - 1, height - y)}
	for x = 1, width do
		for y = 1, height do
			imagedata:setPixel(x - 1, y - 1, unpack(t[x][y]))
  return love.graphics.newImage(imagedata)

function love.load()
	data = love.image.newImageData("img.png")
	img = love.graphics.newImage(data)
	himg = flip("h", data)
	vimg = flip("v", data)

function love.draw()
	love.graphics.draw(img, 5, 5)
	love.graphics.draw(himg, 5, 205)
	love.graphics.draw(vimg, 5, 405)
Don't call it too much, as it's not very fast at all. You should only create your flipped images once.
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Re: flipping image

Post by GloryFish »

You can supply a negative value to the sx, and sy (scale) parameters of love.graphics.draw() to flip your image on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively.
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