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Building LÖVE on Windows, a story in pictures

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:34 am
by Santos
So I built LÖVE from the source today, care to see what happened? Wonderful!

Note: This is the abridged version, without a trillion (approx.) mistakes along the way. Also, I haven't a clue what I'm doing, so I'm probably doing it all wrong, and there's already a good guide to building LÖVE, so basically this is pointless but maybe everyone loves images enough to not notice this?
jPADjjK.png (1.61 KiB) Viewed 131 times
I'm going to download Visual C++ 2010 Express.
7w7iryM.png (59.4 KiB) Viewed 131 times
vFqYErj.png (1.73 KiB) Viewed 131 times
I'mma use Mercurial and TortoiseHg from here to download LÖVE's source.
CQUxOOl.png (24.68 KiB) Viewed 131 times
Right-clicking and selecting Clone...
NqOACqT.png (6.16 KiB) Viewed 131 times
Putting into that Source field...
pOR8lFO.png (7.38 KiB) Viewed 131 times
Something is happening! THIS IS EXCITING.

And now there's a folder named love!
VuvxMC6.png (4.25 KiB) Viewed 131 times
At I think this file contains some kind of DLL magic.
BLNVMEQ.png (29.66 KiB) Viewed 131 times
Extracting it. The files end up in that love folder.
BrXYfKt.png (21.25 KiB) Viewed 131 times
At love\platform\msvc2010. That love.vcxproj file sounds like something one should double-click on.
JuIEJBR.png (33.16 KiB) Viewed 131 times
I have no idea what I'm doing.
edRbFrI.png (37.22 KiB) Viewed 131 times
"Build"! That sounds like the thing I am trying to do.
JdpBT1o.png (33.55 KiB) Viewed 131 times
What's this in love\platform\msvc2010\bin\x86\Release\MT? :o
u247RMP.png (150.79 KiB) Viewed 131 times
Hey, it's my very own love.exe, yaaaaaaaaay! :crazy:

The end.

Re: Building LÖVE on Windows, a story in pictures

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:14 am
by Roland_Yonaba
Santos: You Are The Man.
And this out deserves to be either featured in the wiki, and on the blög.
Hell yeah.

Re: Building LÖVE on Windows, a story in pictures

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:06 am
by Santos
Hahahaha, thanks Roland! :awesome:

I think all of the text on the wiki should be replaced with pictures, and if something really needs to be in words, then it should be in hieroglyphics. Shout outs to Kasoki for the coordinate system diagram and bartbes for the Source controls flowchart and Boolsheet for these! (Perhaps that diagram or something like it would be nice somewhere on the wiki?)

Re: Building LÖVE on Windows, a story in pictures

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:57 pm
by josefnpat
I haven't used windows in years, but this has taught me something as well.

Learning is fun!

Thanks for sharing! This might be nice labeled as "Step by step building love on windows."

Of course, the linux version is rather abridged (albeit complicated);

Code: Select all

pacman -S devil freetype2 libmodplug libvorbis lua51 mpg123 openal physfs sdl # 0.7.x
hg clone && cd love

Re: Building LÖVE on Windows, a story in pictures

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:29 pm
by bartbes
josefnpat wrote: Of course, the linux version is rather abridged (albeit complicated);
Since you're using arch in your example, why not just install love-hg from the aur?

Re: Building LÖVE on Windows, a story in pictures

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:18 pm
by josefnpat
bartbes wrote:Since you're using arch in your example, why not just install love-hg from the aur?

But seriously, I had to learn to build love myself due to the fact that I ran ubuntu 10.04, which required some hackery/flaggery to get to work properly. I am prepared.