[HELP] Unwanted motion blur

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[HELP] Unwanted motion blur

Post by Extred »

I'm developing some quite fast and dynamic game right now and there is a problem with blurring objects when they are moving fast.
I can't actually give a screenshot, cause it's all OK on it. There is .love in attachments describing the problem ("a" and "d" keys to move).
I've tried turning on/off VS, FSAA but it has no effect.
It all seems like this rectangle are not drawn completely each frame it's moving fast.
How do I fix it?

And one more question with lower priority:
I'm using pure luasocket via UDP to exchange strings between apps. Do I need to compress string I send or it's already implemented in luasocket?

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Re: [HELP] Unwanted motion blur

Post by Robin »

I think (but I'm not sure) it's a wetware problem. As in, your eyes or your brains insert the motion blur. Try waving your hand in front of you. You should see exactly the same effect.

If I'm right, there's no solution other than making your square move a lot more slowly.
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Re: [HELP] Unwanted motion blur

Post by micha »

The motion blur you see, is not in the game, but in your eye. As you said, making screenshots reveals a perfect box. Every single image, produced by the game has a perfect unblurred box in it. Only the fast movement makes it look blurry.
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Re: [HELP] Unwanted motion blur

Post by Boolsheet »

Or you have one of those early LCD screens with low response times and horrible smearing. :P
Extred wrote:It all seems like this rectangle are not drawn completely each frame it's moving fast.
Possibly. If you turn off vsync and your graphics card draws the frame faster than the refresh rate of your monitor, then you will see tearing.
Extred wrote:Do I need to compress string I send or it's already implemented in luasocket?
LuaSocket does not touch your data. It will try to send it exactly how you passed it.
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Re: [HELP] Unwanted motion blur

Post by Extred »

I've already thought about optic illusion and now I'm quite sure about it. Never thought I'll have to deal with our vision limits ^_^
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Re: [HELP] Unwanted motion blur

Post by spectralcanine »

It will probably be less noticeable when you have actual graphics instead of bright red on black (all sorts of cool eye-killers can be made with pure bright colors).
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