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Help with multiple things.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:51 pm
by Trotskygrad
So I'm trying to develop a platformer similar to mario bros (scrolling, jumping, pickups, inventory maybe, etc.)

A couple questions...

How does one create walking animations?

How does one create a scrolling platformer?

Is there a better way to do movement other than the application of force in the tutorial?

thanks for any help.

Also if someone could just give me the basic code to create a platformer, I could easily modify it to my own needs.

Same applies to the code for an inventory.

also is it possible to make boxed tooltips in LOVE easily?

Re: Help with multiple things.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:02 pm
by tentus
Well, you could base your code off of Lovely Mario Bros (, or off of my game, Kurosuke (, which is distantly based off of Lovely Mario Bros. Kurosuke is explicitly open source, and Deecodeuh is a pretty cool guy.

That said, you will probably be better off if you just look at our code and see how we accomplish things, rather than just copying it. Writing your own code will always give you a better understanding of whats going on.

Tooltips shouldn't be too hard to render, the tricky part will be figuring out if you're hovering over something.

Re: Help with multiple things.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:22 pm
by Jasoco
A properly coded side-scroller in Love is the holy grail. You might want to start smaller.

When I say properly, I mean without the use of Box2D.

Re: Help with multiple things.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:44 am
by Taehl
If you need help with the physics (running, jumping, falling, and so on), I wrote a thing you may want to use.

Re: Help with multiple things.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:18 pm
by Trotskygrad
Jasoco wrote:A properly coded side-scroller in Love is the holy grail. You might want to start smaller.

When I say properly, I mean without the use of Box2D.

well yes I see how physics could majorly complicate things.

Also would you say that a top-down shooter (think CS2d, which I extensively modified in lua) would be easier to make? I'm considering making a semi-clone of CS2d in LOVE