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[Lib] colorData v0.1

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:25 pm
by pakoskyfrog
Hellö !

I designed a little library to manage colors, gradients and color collections. It's 75% done and can be used as it is.
The "data" inside he name isn't here to be pretty ^^ I added a whole bunch of predefined colors (it's in fact the second purpose of the library).

Here is a testing/displaying the predefined colors love file :
colorsData lib test
colorData love file
(9.78 KiB) Downloaded 137 times
I made this post before finishing the library so i can modify it according your comments / suggestions / ideas / requests :D

Re: [Lib] colorData v0.1

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:20 pm
by Ref
Suggestion: Why not just display the rgb values for the color over which the mouse is.
Hard to see darker color values and no need to show values for colors that are not of interest.
All rgb values could be shown in white.

Re: [Lib] colorData v0.1

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:46 pm
by pakoskyfrog
Well... I could do that !
However the main.lua file is just a showroom, i don't want to spend time on interfacing tests in which i will have no future needs for. (i will think of something for the unreadable colors, like make a function to get nagative/complementary colors and display it as background... might be a little psychedelic though ^^)

Also, i will craft a readme with examples for each uses possibilities.