Examples.love Fixed for 0.7.0
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:32 pm
Hi everyone, I discovered LOVE yesterday and started looking at the wiki. I came across the examples.love file and started working through it. I found there were two main issues with it. The first, the ID's and Titles were set too low on the Y axis so I couldn't read them. The second, when attempting to load the physics tutorial, it would error. I found that love.physics.NewWorld was using the old argument system pre 0.7.0 so I went ahead and fixed both errors. I attached the new file so mods could take a look and see about getting it on the wiki. If you experience any errors let me know. Everything seems to be working now.
Here is a link to the file on wiki http://love2d.org/wiki/examples.love
Here is a link to the file on wiki http://love2d.org/wiki/examples.love