Snipes Reloaded Game
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:14 pm
This is my 2nd post. But, I've been hanging around your forums for about a month or two as I learn more about the love2d game engine.
First off, I want to say that I think LÖVE is awesome. I am an experienced Java developer so I tried various Java game engines but was always dissatisfied with scrolling performance and lack of features. But then I found LÖVE, I instantly fell in love with the physics engine, the simplicity (no IDE required, etc) and ease of use. The Box2d physics engine gave me the opportunity to implement a remake of an old game called Snipes (see This might date me, but I have fond memories of playing Snipes in my college computer lab back in 1987.
Snipes Reloaded is my first game using the LÖVE game engine. Here is some info.
Web Site:
Windows Executable: ...
Love File: ...
Features Implemented:

First off, I want to say that I think LÖVE is awesome. I am an experienced Java developer so I tried various Java game engines but was always dissatisfied with scrolling performance and lack of features. But then I found LÖVE, I instantly fell in love with the physics engine, the simplicity (no IDE required, etc) and ease of use. The Box2d physics engine gave me the opportunity to implement a remake of an old game called Snipes (see This might date me, but I have fond memories of playing Snipes in my college computer lab back in 1987.
Snipes Reloaded is my first game using the LÖVE game engine. Here is some info.
Web Site:
Windows Executable: ...
Love File: ...
Features Implemented:
- Fully functioning game physics using box2d
- Random maze generation is complete
- Score system and HUD is complete
- Basic main menu complete
- Explosions use particle emitter
- Convert over to the latest version of Love2d (0.7.0)
- Levels need to increase in difficulty (snipe bullets faster and more snipes)
- High score system
- Need to turn bouncing bullet feature into a power-up. Power-ups will be icons found in the maze
- Need to add the destroy wall power-up
- Sound
- Implement classes of snipes (some with helmets that require more hits to kill)