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Another Project of Mine, Name Pending.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:43 pm
by Ryne
Hi!, I just wanted to get some opinions on what I've been working on. I've barely done any coding so I didn't think it would be a good Idea to create a new project thread for this, so I thought I would just post it here in the general section. Basically, the story for Lovely Zombies (my current project) began to build more and more in my head, to the point where it wasn't really suited for that type of game, so I started working on some mock-ups for what I hope will become a proper visual style for such a story.

That being said, I'm still working on my current project, and It will eventually be exactly how I said it would, and how it is described in the project thread. I just thought that the story that I had in mind deserved a more polished design. Here is a rough mockup of what Ive been working on, as well as some of the characters.


Mockup (Full View Please)

The "tiles" in the mock up are obviously not what I'll be using, it's just a quick tile-set I made for the player and zombie to stand on. The actually game will have a more urban theme.

I would also LOVE some help on this, if anyone is interested.


- Ryne

Re: Another Project of Mine :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:46 pm
by arquivista
nice, but wrong board?

Re: Another Project of Mine :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:47 pm
by Ryne
arquivista wrote:Wrong board?
No, I said in the post that I didn't feel there was enough here to post a new project thread. Therefore this is just up for "General Discussion" right now. :)

Re: Another Project of Mine :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:48 pm
by bartbes
Oh well, I'm pretty sure it's in Projects & Demos... hmm, how did that happen. ;)

Re: Another Project of Mine :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:51 pm
by Robin
Looks neat.
arquivista wrote:nice, but wrong board?
Yeah, bartbes/anjo/thelinx/whoever could move it to P&D.

Re: Another Project of Mine, Name Pending.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:01 pm
by tentus
Hee hee, I like the shirtless sprite, it's goofy.

I can't offer much (not a sprite kinda guy, more vectors and junk), but if you want some occasional help I can lend a hand.

Re: Another Project of Mine, Name Pending.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:17 pm
by Ryne
Programming is where I would need help anyway, I can handle the graphics aspects. Thanks for the offer, Ill message you if I need something! :)

Re: Another Project of Mine, Name Pending.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:52 pm
by Motig
Ryne wrote:Programming is where I would need help anyway, I can handle the graphics aspects. Thanks for the offer, Ill message you if I need something! :)
Rather have you post it on the forums so other people can read and learn too! :ultraglee:

Re: Another Project of Mine, Name Pending.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:34 pm
by tentus
Ryne wrote:Programming is where I would need help anyway, I can handle the graphics aspects. Thanks for the offer, Ill message you if I need something! :)
I can do some programming- I'm a far cry from a lot of the guys on this forum, but I can still write some decent code. Throw something out and I'll give it a crack.

Re: Another Project of Mine, Name Pending.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:52 pm
by bartbes
I'm kind of swamped, but you can always ask me if you need help, if I have the time, I will try to help.