Particle effects editor?

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Particle effects editor?

Post by Mud »

Anybody make a particle effects editor for Love? Nothing fancy, maybe just a few sliders do you can play with parameters in realtime.

If not, I guess I'm going to make one, in which case: is there a UI library with slider controls to give me a head start? :)

EDIT: Checking out Goo now.
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by adrix89 »

Goo doesn't have sliders but they do have progress bars so you can easily go from there
Although I haven't played with progress bars yet
I use Workflowy but you can check out Dynalist as its the better offer.
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by Mud »

I made a crude particle editor last night, which suits my simple needs. Posting it in case somebody else comes along and searches for one like I did. :)

  • Mouse over parameters and adjust with mouse-wheel
  • Keys 1-6 change the adjustment increment (1, 10, 100, 1000, 0.1, 0.01)
  • Left mouse to move origin
  • Restart button to restart particle system (or space bar, or right mouse)
  • Save button writes settings to Lua file in app save directory (or s)
EDIT: I got sick of re-entering values. Now supports multiple save files, where filename=timestamp.
  • Save button overwrites the current file. If no save file exists on startup, it will create one using default settings and set it to current.
  • Copy button copies the current file and sets it as the current file.
  • Revert button reloads current file, discarding any changes.
  • Delete button nukes the current file (unless it's your last one).
  • There's a widget for scrolling through available files.
[/color]Note: It will NOT warn you about lost changes if you click Delete or use the selection widget to switch files. I'm too lazy to make a confirmation dialog.


It has some included images. To use your own, drop them in the directory and edit particles.lua.

After playing with it for a bit, I realized you could do some crazy sh** with animated parameters. Someday.
Updated Nov 13, 2010
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by zielok »

Nice tool! Thanks!
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by TechnoCat »

Fun to mess around with.
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by SiENcE »

Nice. Maybe we need a tools section the wiki?
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by partymetroid »

TechnoCat wrote:Fun to mess around with.

Eh, nevermind. Too inappropriate for this site. :emo:

Nice tool, though!
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by Jasoco »

partymetroid wrote:Nice tool, though!
That's what she said.
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by Wombat »

Very, very nice tool! Realy good work!!!

How can i use it in my code?

should i include my saved file from this tool in my script or what must i do if i want to run it?

Thanks in advance^^.
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Re: Particle effects editor?

Post by Wombat »

It works for me!!! Thanks for this amazing tool^^.
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