Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:58 pm
This game is a pretty awesome survival game. it is a bit like copter but once i am done it will have bombs, explosions and more. but sadly it would be much to quick to play so soon i will have to add delta time, all though it would be nice for someone to explain delta time to me, because on my pong quest game, i tried using delta time but it did not work so i had to use a less effective form of slowing down the game. this is my second game so i have not had much experience with collisions so i have not made the ground and ceiling change like in copter.
press up to go up. I now fixed the problem of going down right when you press enter. i am pretty sure i have delta time working. i am very sure that fast flight works on all computers now, to learn info about fastflight you can see my techono team at
good news! a update has came out! oh no you are about to hit a block, wait you have bomb!
in this new update, dodge 6 blocks and earn a bomb. than all you have to do is press right and you will fire your bomb
now you can store the scores of your last 2 games and try to beat them, you cant save the scores though.
there is now music
There is a store now! at this store you can buy new types of helicopters, and dual bombs so that you can have two bombs at a time
Note: I need a composer that would like to make a song for this game!
up arrow: move up
right arrow: fire bomb
(if you have dual bomb)left: fire bomb
w: enter store
e:leave store
1-9: buy items at store
enter: start game
press up to go up. I now fixed the problem of going down right when you press enter. i am pretty sure i have delta time working. i am very sure that fast flight works on all computers now, to learn info about fastflight you can see my techono team at
good news! a update has came out! oh no you are about to hit a block, wait you have bomb!
in this new update, dodge 6 blocks and earn a bomb. than all you have to do is press right and you will fire your bomb
now you can store the scores of your last 2 games and try to beat them, you cant save the scores though.
there is now music
There is a store now! at this store you can buy new types of helicopters, and dual bombs so that you can have two bombs at a time
Note: I need a composer that would like to make a song for this game!
up arrow: move up
right arrow: fire bomb
(if you have dual bomb)left: fire bomb
w: enter store
e:leave store
1-9: buy items at store
enter: start game