I just [1] used the Mandelbrot set on a Beowulf cluster ... and I've already forgotten everything, appearently.
Code: Select all
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "plot.h"
#define THRESHOLD 1000.0
#define MAXITER 1500
#define SCALE 30000.0
double complex
global_lower = -0.512 - 1.024*I,
global_upper = 1.024 + 1.024*I;
* Estimate the divergence rate of our function for a given complex point
test_point ( double complex c )
double complex z_new, z, z_prev;
double difference;
z = z_prev = c;
// Iterate until divergence or max. number of iterations
for ( int iter=0; iter<MAXITER; iter++ )
// Update the value by the formula
z_new = z*z + 0.56667 - (z_prev * 0.5);
// Buffer the changes
z_prev = z;
z = z_new;
// Test for "fast enough" divergence - if this is found, we can end
// the iteration already, assuming that the sequence shortly will
// disappear into infinity
difference = cabs(z) - cabs(z_prev);
if ( difference > THRESHOLD )
// Scale the difference value to make a nicer plot
difference /= SCALE;
return (difference > 1.0) ? 1.0 : difference;
* This function should evaluate the points in the rectangle bounded by
* the lower/upper variables, discretized into a grid of w by h points.
* When this is called, the 'data' pointer should already be appropriately
* allocated to hold these w by h points.
* Note that while this array is one-dimensional, there is a convenience
* macro AT(x,y) in 'plot.h' to address it as a 2D array (writing
* data[AT(x,y)]).
compute_region (
double complex lower, double complex upper, int w, int h, double *data
double complex delta = upper - lower;
double real = creal(delta)/(double)w;
double imag = cimag(delta)/(double)h;
for(int i=0;i<w;i++)
for(int j=0;j<h;j++)
double complex c = real * i + imag * j * I;
data[i*ROWS+j] = test_point( lower + c);
main ( int argc, char **argv )
*img, *local_img, // Global and local image parts
t_start, t_finish, t_elapsed, max_elapsed; // Timing variables
complex double
local_lower, local_upper, delta; // Bounds and step size of domain
rank, size, blocksize; // Used to compute problem partitioning
// Initialize MPI, get world rank and size
MPI_Init ( &argc, &argv );
MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
// Rank 0 hosts the complete image
if ( rank == 0 )
img = calloc ( ROWS * COLS, sizeof(double) );
// Assign local variables.
delta = (creal(global_upper) - creal(global_lower))/(double)size + 0 * I;
local_lower = global_lower + delta * (double)rank;
local_upper = creal(local_lower+delta) + cimag(global_upper) * I;
// Allocate memory.
int memsize = (ROWS * COLS)/size;
local_img = calloc(memsize, sizeof(double));
// Compute region
t_start = MPI_Wtime();
compute_region(local_lower, local_upper, COLS/size, COLS, local_img);
t_finish = MPI_Wtime();
t_elapsed = t_finish - t_start;
// Gather at 0
MPI_Gather(local_img, memsize, MPI_DOUBLE, img + memsize * rank, memsize, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Reduce
MPI_Reduce(&t_elapsed, &max_elapsed, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Rank 0 reports greatest time spent in computation, writes final image
if ( rank == 0 )
printf ( "%lf [s] spent on computation\n", max_elapsed );
write_image ( img );
free ( img );
// Free the local image.
MPI_Finalize ();
exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS );
test_point() is what you want to look at.
[1]: Just = ~6 months ago
EDIT: Might be Julia set, but who cares.