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Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:54 pm
by pwniknoobz
I have this code:
Code: Select all
StageArray = {}
StageArray[0] = Stage:new()
StageArray[1] = Stage:new()
When I then call the elements of StageArray[0], they are the elements of StageArray[1]. Any ideas as to why Lua would be overwriting the values of the first array with the second one?
This is stage.lua:
Code: Select all
Stage = {txtBoxes={},btnButtons={}}
function Stage:new (o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
function Stage:setParams (txtBoxArray_Stage, btnButtonArray_Stage)
self.txtBoxes[0] = txtBoxArray_Stage[0]
for i=1, txtBoxArray_Stage[0] do
self.txtBoxes[i] = txtBoxArray_Stage[i]
self.btnButtons[0] = btnButtonArray_Stage[0]
for i=1, btnButtonArray_Stage[0] do
self.btnButtons [i] = btnButtonArray_Stage[i]
function Stage:draw ()
function Stage:mousePressed (x,y)
checkTextBoxesClicked (self.txtBoxes, x, y)
checkButtonsClicked (self.btnButtons,x,y)
function Stage:keyPressed (k)
updateTextBoxesText (self.txtBoxes, k)
I also tried it without an array, and it seems like everytime I call setParams for Stage, it overwrites all of the objects for the previous stage that I called setParams for...
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:18 pm
by nevon
Lua uses a base index of 1, so the first element of a table is 1, the second 2, etc.
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:35 pm
by pwniknoobz
Tried it with index numbers 1 and 2 instead of 0 and 1. It seems whichever Stage[index] calls setParams last redefines all of the ones before it..
It is possible to make a table an attribute of a table, correct?
Just to clarify: txtBoxes_Stage_1, btnButtons_Stage_1, txtBoxes_Stage_0, btnButtons_Stage_0 are all arrays I'm attempting to pass into the Stage array.
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:52 pm
by bartbes
I'm pretty sure it's your setParams function overwriting it. (it has to be)
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:42 pm
by pwniknoobz
Thanks for the help everyone - I actually decided it was kind of pointless for me to make a stage class, because for every object I created I'd have to modify the stage class to make it use the respective draw/user input functions of the new class. It is much more practical for me to just make a supplemental external function in which to handle all of the drawing. I will just keep track of staging for objects via a 2 dimensional array, i.e. Object
[j], where i is the current stage. Event handling for the objects is simply based on a conditional statement tracking the current stage(global variable). In this manner I don't have to worry about an additional unnecessary stage "object."
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:42 pm
by pygy
All your objects were sharing the same metatable index (the Stage table).
As such,
Code: Select all
self.txtBoxes[i] = txtBoxArray_Stage[i]
was always populating the same subtable (Stage.txtBoxes), overwriting any pre-existing value.
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:17 pm
by osuf oboys
pwniknoobz wrote:Thanks for the help everyone - I actually decided it was kind of pointless for me to make a stage class, because for every object I created I'd have to modify the stage class to make it use the respective draw/user input functions of the new class. It is much more practical for me to just make a supplemental external function in which to handle all of the drawing. I will just keep track of staging for objects via a 2 dimensional array, i.e. Object
[j], where i is the current stage. Event handling for the objects is simply based on a conditional statement tracking the current stage(global variable). In this manner I don't have to worry about an additional unnecessary stage "object."
You get a lot of power from keeping it as objects, such as a good place to keep common functionality, inheritance, decoupling, and the possibility of pausing or stacking stages. If you are uncertain about whether the OO stuff will work out, maybe it will feel safer for you to abandon it but I think they functionality and experience will be beneficial in the long run. Anyhow, the issue was as pygy said although let me rephrase it because I'm not sure it was understandable.
The thing is that you had a table such as
and created two objects that used this class
Code: Select all
object1, object2 = {}, {}
setmetatable(object1, class)
setmetatable(object2, class)
Now the metatables work as such that if you query an element of the instances that does not exist, it will look in the metatable/class instead.
If you create a new variable with
Code: Select all
object1.y = {1=3}
object2.y = {1=4}
the two instances will create their own distinct variables and things work as you want them to.
Code: Select all
print object1.y[1]
>> 3
print object2.y[1]
>> 4
Changing the variable also works as you expect since they are stored in the object1 and object2 tables, respectively.
Code: Select all
object1.y[1] = 5
object2.y[1] = 6
print object1.y[1]
>> 5
print object2.y[1]
>> 6
However, with
Lua will look for 'x' in the object1 and object2 tables, and if it cannot find it, in the metaclass. So "object1.x" will return "class.x" and the same applies for object2 and hence they change the same array.
In other words, the OO analogue of "class = {x = {}}" is not to declare an instance variable but rather a class variable.
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:12 pm
by Robin
Here's a quick and simple solution:
Code: Select all
class = {}
return setmetatable({x=3}, --blahablabha, metatable. you know the deal
You can make endless variations on this theme.
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:44 pm
by bartbes
You guys just keep forgetting __index...
Re: Illusive Array Overwriting Itself
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:05 pm
by osuf oboys
bartbes wrote:You guys just keep forgetting __index...
Is your TI getting a lot of attention? Pedagogy != regurgitation