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Growing circle on click (Missile Command style)
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:52 am
by replicate
This has probably been answered before or is so straightforward it's never been asked, but I'd really appreciate some help :/ Trying to make a circle appear on mouse coords on click that starts out small and grows to a set limit over 2 or 3 seconds, then either dissapears or shrinks opposite how it grew. If you've ever played Missile Command, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about (the explosion that occurs wherever you click).
At this point it doesn't need any physics or collision detection or anything fancy. What I've got so far is the circle will appear at mouse coords as expected, but grows so fast you can't even tell. I'm sure it's something with the love.update(dt) function, but I'm not familiar enough with it to know for certain. Basically, I just want to slow the growth down via the radius variable and pass that to my function elsewhere (which works in it's own right). I think this is the relevant code. Thanks.
Code: Select all
function love.update(dt)
mx = love.mouse.getX()
my = love.mouse.getY()
radius = radius + 2
if radius > 100 then radius = 1 end
Re: Growing circle on click (Missile Command style)
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:56 am
by bmelts
The issue with that code is that the radius is growing by 2 pixels every frame. For a simple program like that, a frame is a very small fraction of a second.
The solution is to make the growth pegged to the length of the frame. Try this:
Code: Select all
function love.update(dt)
mx = love.mouse.getX()
my = love.mouse.getY()
radius = radius + (2 * dt)
if radius > 100 then radius = 1 end
That'll make the radius grow at 2 pixels per second, which is pretty slow, but the growth would be a lot more visible there!
Re: Growing circle on click (Missile Command style)
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:26 am
by Robin
Also, this way it keeps growing after it reached the 100 and is shrunk. Do you want it to repeat?
Re: Growing circle on click (Missile Command style)
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:46 pm
by Jasoco
Paste this into a new project and play around with it.
Code: Select all
local pi = math.pi
local gr =
local _sq = math.sqrt
function love.load()
gr.setFont(love._vera_ttf, 14)
--Set up Missile and Bomb tables
missiles = {}
bombs = {}
--Add 10 random Bombs
for i=0,10,1 do
table.insert(bombs, {x = math.random(20,620), y = -10})
function love.update(dt)
--Move the Bombs (Enemy missiles)
for j, b in pairs(bombs) do
b.y = b.y + 10 * dt
b.x = b.x + 5 * dt
--Update the player missiles
for i, m in pairs(missiles) do
--Make them bigger and kill them when done = - 100 * dt
if <= 0 then
table.remove(missiles, i)
--Check for collision with enemy bombs
for j, b in pairs(bombs) do
if distanceFrom(b.x, b.y, m.x, m.y) < ( then
--Set off another explosion to chain to the closer bombs
createMissile(b.x, b.y, 40)
table.remove(bombs, j)
function love.draw()
local fps = love.timer.getFPS()
--Draw the Enemy Bombs
for j, b in pairs(bombs) do
gr.setColor(255,0,0,255)"fill", b.x, b.y, 5, 32)
--Draw the Player Missiles
for i, m in pairs(missiles) do
gr.setColor(255,255,255,220)"fill", m.x, m.y,, 32)
gr.print("FPS: " .. fps, 10, 14)
function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
if button == "l" then
--Create a missile wherever you want
function createMissile(x,y,l)
table.insert(missiles, { x = x, y = y, life = l, start = l })
--Returns the distance between two points
function distanceFrom(x1,y1,x2,y2) return _sq((x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2) end
You could take it further and make each enemy bomb have a target that it flies towards like the real game does.
It even has chains where detonated bombs will detonate other bombs close by just like the real game.
Re: Growing circle on click (Missile Command style)
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:49 pm
by Robin
Jasoco! Shame on you!
If you have to play dirty, at least use locals:
Code: Select all
local pi = math.pi
local gr =
local _sq = math.sqrt
Re: Growing circle on click (Missile Command style)
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:51 pm
by Jasoco
Hahahahahaha... no. What? Sorry. Okay. I will obey.. maybe. It was quick and dirty so sue me.
Also, in the part where the missiles are updated, the number 100 is the speed of pixels per frame. 100 is pretty fast and is more comparable to the original. 2 pixels per frame would take forever to grow.