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Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:11 am
by Jaska
Предлагаю создать дубликат сайта на русском языке на вашем (или нашем домене) но с идентичным дизайном, так же можно на базе имеющегося сайта сделать поддержку разных языков. С добавлением другого языка в вики думаю проблем не возникнет, а на форуме было бы неплохо создать отдельный раздел. Перевод технической документации и доработку главной странички могу взять на себя.

с ув. русские :-D

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:42 am
by TechnoCat
すみません、僕はロシア語話し方知らない。 (=^_^=)

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:05 pm
by qubodup

Jaska, lutche bi napisal na anglijskim. Vdrug podumajut shto spam i udalyt, ne proviraja s pomoshju ? :)

I nado bilo bi tebe sdelat "OBEY" avatar! ;)

Ja bojus shto administratori ne ochen horosho znajut kak dobavit jezik k wiki.. Ti mog bi pomoch (po anglijski) s etim?

Naschet foruma: a kto bi moderiroval bi?...


Has the question of multiple languages on the wiki been discussed before?

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:33 pm
by Jaska
Уважаемый qubodup. Я владею техническим английским но не разговорным. Не хочу вводить публику в заблуждение :) насчет OBEY аватара ... а что это простите?)

Форум я могу модерировать первое время, с вики тоже посмотрим что можно сделать. Все в наших руках господа ;)
LOVE открыл для себя недавно, в рунете информации о нем почти нет (не считая мертвого портала). Я фанат lua во всех его проявлениях (об этом чуть позже)

p.s. Вам не кажется странным, что для спама в моем посте не указана ни одна ссылка, тем более при регистрации на форуме используется капча и проверка на интеллект.

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:41 pm
by TechnoCat
qubodup wrote:Has the question of multiple languages on the wiki been discussed before?
Yes, I believe for Portuguese though. I also feel like it was overall ignored.

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:02 pm
by Robin
Interesting. How much interest will there be in a Russian subsite?

Also, Jaska, could you please speak English on this forum? You say you do speak English, but not for technical discussion (if Google Translate is right). And your English can't possibly be worse than Google Translate Russian to English. Most people here speak English as a second language.

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:17 pm
by Jaska
All is true google has translated. I will use the translator. Interest will be and most likely not at once. Russian Internet practically has no information about love. With the Best decision will add an official site, but alternatives are possible also

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:33 pm
by TechnoCat
Fragmenting the community wouldn't be a very good idea at this size I feel. However, I don't see any reason you can't have your own #loveclub-ru IRC channel.

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:47 pm
by Jaska
IRC does not interest me. The documentation and a forum - here that interests me. I suggest to expand community, not fragmenting.The sizes are not important

Re: Русификация

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:04 pm
by qubodup
TechnoCat wrote:Fragmenting the community wouldn't be a very good idea at this size I feel. However, I don't see any reason you can't have your own #loveclub-ru IRC channel.
There are people who actually don't like speaking English enough to avoid it completely. By providing a semi-official russian port, people, who were unable to use it before, will be able to use it. And once their english skills increase (it will because programming = english language), they will turn to the EN forum, as it is the language of the developers.

The main thing is that there is a russian-language moderator and Jaska offered to do it for a start. Depending on whether the RU-language community grows or not, the forum can be continued - or not.

Same for the wiki, only I have no idea what extensions can be used.

On the other hand just adding links to like has them might do the trick.