A Lua Table Sort

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A Lua Table Sort

Post by tdc5013 »

Hey Guys,

I'm working on a card game with AI, and one thing I need to do in the main card selection algorithm is to sort card according to their number. So I have a card object that has things such as Card.Suit, Card.Attribute, and more importantly Card.Number. I've looked at the table sort function and it only seems to give examples on sorting numbers, rather than by object elements. Is there a way to do this? I assumed it will be something along the lines of the given example:

Code: Select all

> t = { 3,2,5,1,4 }
> table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a<b end)
> = table.concat(t, ", ")
1, 2, 3, 4, 5   
But with a change to the comparison function.
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Re: A Lua Table Sort

Post by Nixola »

Code: Select all

cards = {
{x = 1, n = 65},
{x = 2, n = 577},
{x = 3, n = 1}}

sort = function(cardA, cardB)
   return cardA.n < cardB.n

table.sort(cards, sort)
The a and b arguments in the sorting function are two element of the table you will sort, so if the table only contain numbers they'll be numbers, if it contains other tables they'll be those tables
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Re: A Lua Table Sort

Post by tdc5013 »

Ok, I understand. I can simply change the given example to:

Code: Select all

table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a.Number<b.Number end)
and I'll get the result I need.

Thanks for the quick reply!
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