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Tiny Test, order from chaos

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:58 pm
by celynwalters
Really simple, small example.
Sorry if this is not "worthy" for projects and demos. If not, feel free not to post and let the thread sink to the bottom.
It's just interesting.
(3.15 KiB) Downloaded 244 times
Edit: Added a (rough'n'ready) zooming in feature
(3.33 KiB) Downloaded 228 times
Edit 2: Download this one
(3.32 KiB) Downloaded 268 times
It generates random points, joins them up, replaces points with midpoints of the lines.
It always tends to an elipse. I read about it somewhere, can't remember where.
Edit 2: It also tends to one at 45º, I have just found...

Re: Tiny Test, order from chaos

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:59 pm
by pakoskyfrog
I'm a fan of this kind of things, and i'm pretty sure i could demonstrate the ellipsoidal result ^^,
and it's a nice shape generator !
It misses a renormalizer, to zoom in during iterations.
I think i will try to make a glyph generator out of it, maybe even convert it in bezier curves and export it in a svg format. (I love generators ^^)

Re: Tiny Test, order from chaos

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:02 pm
by celynwalters
pakoskyfrog wrote:It misses a renormalizer, to zoom in during iterations.
Good idea. I've added one, but it's not ideal.
I've been making löve all day ( pun intended) so I'm just going to go to bed.
First time I've used before though ^^

Re: Tiny Test, order from chaos

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:08 pm
by pakoskyfrog
Hellö !

I've made a mini game inspired by this curiosity :
minigame Memory
(6.2 KiB) Downloaded 228 times
It's a little memory game with generated symbols.. guess how they are generated ^^

Btw, @celynwalters, just saw your edit2. It indeed tends to have privileged axes towards the diagonals, i had a few perfect circles (perfect only to the eyes i suppose ^^).

Re: Tiny Test, order from chaos

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:23 am
by xXxMoNkEyMaNxXx
Cool game!

Re: Tiny Test, order from chaos

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:37 pm
by celynwalters
pakoskyfrog, I read your post, but forgot to reply.

Really cool.
I wasn't seeing an actual application for this, I'm glad somebody found one!
Looks like you could genuinely make a game out of pretty much anything.