OOP Understanding

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OOP Understanding

Post by Drakk »

Hey everyone,
I'm new to love, and lua in general. I love it so far. :ultrahappy:
I read alot of topics on here about OOP, and this isn't a love specific question but it seems it's a common topic, and I have an issue.

I'm using Bart's class lib. Here ( removed license for the sake of code length )

Code: Select all


local class_mt = {}

function class_mt:__index(key)
    return self.__baseclass[key]

class = setmetatable({ __baseclass = {} }, class_mt)

function class:new(...)
    local c = {}
    c.__baseclass = self
    setmetatable(c, getmetatable(self))
    if c.init then
    return c
I also created this small sound manager thing, to see if I'm using this correctly.

Code: Select all


@File: sound.lua


ZLove.Sound = {};
ZLove.Sound.internalObjects = {}; -- container full of sound objects
ZLove.Sound.Object = class:new();

function ZLove.Sound.Object:init( Source, sType, bPrecache )
	bPrecache = bPrecache or false;
	self.loveSource = {};
	self.bPrecache = bPrecache;
	self.bPlayed = false;
	if( type( Source ) == "table" ) then 
		-- if we precache, we load all the sounds in the table
		if( bPrecache ) then
			for _, v in ipairs( Source ) do
				table.insert( self.loveSource, { v, love.audio.newSource( v, sType ) } );
			local iRndIndex = math.random( 1, #Source );
			table.insert( self.loveSource, { Source[ iRndIndex ], love.audio.newSource( Source[ iRndIndex ], sType ) } );
		table.insert( self.loveSource, { Source, love.audio.newSource( Source, sType ) } );
	table.insert( ZLove.Sound.internalObjects, self );

function ZLove.Sound.Object:play()

function ZLove.Sound:update( dt )
	-- now we can loop through self.internalObjects
	-- and control every sound object we've created
I use it like so:

Code: Select all

local nSound = ZLove.Sound.Object:new( "sound.ogg", "static", false );
I keep all the created objects inside ZLove.Sound.internalObjects, this is so I can loop through the created objects and manage them. Such as deleting them when they're stopped and so on.. I assume i'm using this class lib correctly? Anything part of ZLove.Sound.Object will be 'inherited' by each object I create. Which to my understanding is a good thing, so i don't have to re-write code for each sound I make?

Sorry if I wasn't to clear. This all works, but I'm not sure if i'm using OO abilities correctly.

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Re: OOP Understanding

Post by sanjiv »

I can't help, but this is exactly the kind of stuff I need to approach next. So now that I've posted here, it'll be easy for me to return to.

Related question: How does one go about choosing an OOP library? Is the following list kept up to date? https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Category:Libraries
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Re: OOP Understanding

Post by scutheotaku »

I'm not familiar with SECS in particular, but yes it appears that you are using OO correctly :)

As a side note, "table.insert" can be slow. So instead of this (for example):

Code: Select all

table.insert( self.loveSource, { v, love.audio.newSource( v, sType ) } );

...you may want to use something like this instead:

Code: Select all

self.loveSource[#self.loveSource + 1] = { v, love.audio.newSource( v, sType ) }

--table.insert(myTable, value)
--does the same thing as
--myTable[#myTable+1] = value
[not a plug>>>]It may be helpful for you to look at my LOVE project framework with OO: https://www.love2d.org/forums/viewtopic ... 38&p=73277 It is based on the 30log library, but you may find some of the functions and methods (particularly the ones in Entity.lua) useful to you :)
sanjiv wrote: Related question: How does one go about choosing an OOP library? Is the following list kept up to date? https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Category:Libraries
I suggest just that you just look over them and to go with the one that has the features you need and best fits your style. It's also worth looking at other users' comments, as a few of the OO libraries have inheritance problems (though that may not be a big deal for your project).

MiddleClass ( https://www.love2d.org/wiki/MiddleClass ) and SECS ( https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Simple_Educ ... ass_System ) seem to be the most popular choices. I'm partial to 30log ( https://www.love2d.org/wiki/30log ) as it's really simple and easy to use, yet is very powerful (to see how easy it is, see "quick tour" here: https://github.com/Yonaba/30log/blob/master/README.md ).

Also, there's always the option of writing your own OO code. This should be a good start (assuming you know the fundamentals of Lua, that is): http://www.lua.org/pil/16.html

PS: If either of you need an explanation of OOP in general, here's a really good one: http://teknadesigns.com/what-is-object- ... ogramming/
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Re: OOP Understanding

Post by Drakk »

scutheotaku, great post. Thank you, helped alot. :)
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Re: OOP Understanding

Post by scutheotaku »

Drakk wrote:scutheotaku, great post. Thank you, helped alot. :)
Great! I'm glad I could help :)
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