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Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:09 am
by tomshreds

Let's say I have a grid somewhere on the screen. I'd like that, when the cursor is over the grid, it would actually snap on the grid points.

For example, if I'd like to put stuff on a grid a-la sim city 2000. Is there any way of doing so? Because I'd need a way to properly put shapes on a grid.

I don't know if I explained myself properly, if you need more info please ask.


Re: Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:53 am
by micha
You have a cursor provided by your operating system. You cannot easily lock this one to a grid. However you can either have an in-game cursor or you have a functionality where the grid cell underneath your curser is highlighted.

This is quiet easy.
Assume you have a grid with a mesh width h (in both directions). Assuming you have the cursor coordinates. To find the corresponding grid coordinates you go

Code: Select all

grid.x = math.floor(cursor.x/h)
grid.y = math.floor(cursor.y/h)
So you divide the cursor coordinates by the mesh width and then round (towards zero) to get an integer number.

Re: Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:56 am
by Saegor
EDIT : exactly like micha said. there is an example of working code

Code: Select all

function love.load()

	gr =
	mo = love.mouse


	getW = gr.getWidth()
	getH = gr.getHeight()

	grid = 64

function love.draw()
	local gx, gy = getTile()

	draw_tile(gx, gy)
	print_info(gx, gy)

function draw_grid()

	gr.setColor(255, 255, 255)

	for x = 0, getW, grid do
		gr.line(x, 0, x, getH)

	for y = 0, getH, grid do
		gr.line(0, y, getW, y)

function draw_tile(gx, gy)

	gr.setColor(255, 255, 255)

	gr.rectangle("fill", gx * grid, gy * grid, grid, grid)

function getTile()

	local mx, my = mo.getPosition()


function print_info(gx, gy)

	gr.setColor(0, 0, 0)
	gr.print("gx = " .. gx .."\ngy = ", gx * grid, gy * grid)

Re: Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:41 pm
by tomshreds
Thanks to both of you, it worked wonders!!!

Another question:

I want to make some kind of bright highlight around objects when I place them on the grid.

My objects are PNG images loaded into löve. So let's say I'd like a 2px think white line around the image's shape. Where should I begin?

I'm having a hard time thinking about that one since shapes aren't regular. For example one shape could be a television.

Any ideas?


Re: Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:01 pm
by Saegor
it will be hard

i suggest you trying to draw the same image in white filter and slightly zoomed behind your normal image

i will make a quick test for you when i find some time

edit : it will work if you find a way to easily center images drawed. test the .love to understand
or you will find a better way to do this (because it's ugly to do the way i try)

Re: Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:40 pm
by micha
Saegor wrote: i suggest you trying to draw the same image in white filter and slightly zoomed behind your normal image
This will work, but you wont have the same line width everywhere.
Also, imagine you have a non-convex shape (like a ring with a hole in the middle). Then on the inside you will not get the line.

The safest way of solving this is predrawing the contourline for all objects you have in the game. If this is to much work, you consider using something else to highlight objects. You could e.g. draw a rectangle around it or put a circular glow behind it.

Re: Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:03 am
by tomshreds
Saegor wrote:it will be hard

i suggest you trying to draw the same image in white filter and slightly zoomed behind your normal image

i will make a quick test for you when i find some time

edit : it will work if you find a way to easily center images drawed. test the .love to understand
or you will find a better way to do this (because it's ugly to do the way i try)
You example works for me, the only concern I have is that I'd have to have both the image and the highlight image to be on the same center point so it wouldn't act as a shadow but as an highlight. Any ideas?

Thanks everybody for your help, this is great!

Re: Lock cursor on a grid

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:23 am
by tomshreds
I found a way to draw it like I wanted:

Code: Select all"additive"), 255, 255)

        local ratio = 1.1

        local highlight_x = math.floor(x - (((draggingObject.ImageSize.width * ratio) - draggingObject.ImageSize.width) / 2))
        local highlight_y = math.floor(y - (((draggingObject.ImageSize.height * ratio) - draggingObject.ImageSize.height) / 2)), highlight_x, highlight_y, 0, ratio, ratio)"alpha"), x, y)