Hooray, We're Back
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:54 pm
But where did we go? 

Yeah, I like that site, but... Blocked.bartbes wrote:http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com
<Ljdp> awww, I was gonna make an LOVE port for iPhone till I read "No interpreted code may be downloaded and used in an Application "
<Ljdp> ghey
<bartbes> "Apple Store: The Fascist's Store"
Why can't we develop in iLove then compile before release?bartbes wrote:<Ljdp> awww, I was gonna make an LOVE port for iPhone till I read "No interpreted code may be downloaded and used in an Application "
<Ljdp> ghey
<bartbes> "Apple Store: The Fascist's Store"
Well, the easiest (and LÖVE-liest) way would be to write the iLove app as a pure engine, and have the .love file itself as a file one adds as a resource to the project, or something along those lines - like how the Mac love.app already works for packaging the engine and game together.zachwlewis wrote:Why can't we develop in iLove then compile before release?