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[TPE1] Loveless

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:14 am
by interstellarDAVE
So here is my work in progress entry for the February Themed Project Event

Its called Loveless. I've been playing around with the idea the past few days and I'm pretty confident on where I want to take this.

This is the main character

He doesn't have a name yet but he is a speaker (like those upright ones) and he has spiderlegs (not sure why) to get around. The bottom 'speaker' is actually an eye and the top ones are actual speakers, so when he speaks, he uses the speakers.

The world is completely populated by robots. It is after some great event that destroyed all organic life on the planet, all that is left are these robots. They are leftovers from the humans. Most robots are emotionless, but some have started to pick up human emotions. This speaker is wrestling with love.

Gameplay wise, this will control similar to an ARPG, but really be more like a point n click adventure game. You will have to explore the surroundings with the robot (using either the arrow keys or the mouse) and interact with the environment (but using the mouse, maybe a button). You will have some small puzzles and interaction with other robots in the environment. No real weapons or bad-guys.

The git repo is here --- > but whats in here is not actually the game yet. So far its just my bumbling around with trying to structure something, not knowing where I was going. I will probably wipe out everything and start over now that I know what I want with it.

I will be posting frequently updating my progress. Hopefully there will be good progress. We'll see. It seems that my initial scope may be too ambitious, but I'll probably start off with a really small level, and then expand it if I have more time.

Progress Updates
Update #1: Started programming, basic character movements and rules. Placeholder graphics.

Re: [TPE1] Loveless

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:02 am
by Codex
Very cool concept and I already like .gif you've displayed. I take it that will be some in-game art for Loveless? :) And yea it's always good to start from the bottom and work your way up, but to always have in mind what the end-goal should be...ish

Re: [TPE1] Loveless

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:42 am
by interstellarDAVE
So I have progress, but it is not pretty. Spending more time on programming then on graphics, so we get some beautiful paint skills.

So far I have a menu system, both for the main menu and the in game pause menu. they both are fully functional, but I don't have any options yet (so that doesn't work.)

I have a simple background I made and displayed it. I am using Gamera to have a game camera. Right now the camera doesn't move unless you explicetly control it ('q' and 'w'). I will have it pan and move soon, but need to get the main character down first.

I have now added a main character. He is nothing be an 8 sided cube with faces. You can move him two different ways. First you can click somewhere and he will walk. The second you can control him with the arrow keys. If you click he will rotate automatically and if you use the keys he doesn't. Right now you can manually rotate him with 'a' and 's'. There is a bug if you try to move further right, he won't move properly if you click. This is because the mouse is reading the position in the window, which the characters is actually in the Gamera world. It is an easy fix but don't have time right now. I'll tackle that next.

Next I will work on pathing and zoning of the background to tell the character where he can and can't walk. After that I will work on an inventory system and allow the player to pick things up and use items. After that I will add NPCs and have dialog interactions.

Once all those systems are in place I will replace all the placeholder assets with real assets.

Main Menu

First area / level

Pause Screen