I've checked, and it's there!
Code: Select all
TileMap = {}
TileMapMT = { __index = TileMap } --This metatable will be attached to every created class instance.
TileMap.Tiles = {}
for i = 1,2 do
TileMap.Tiles[i] = love.graphics.newImage("Tiles\\Tile"..i..".png")
function TileMap:Create()
local NewInstance =
MapWidth = 20,
MapHeight = 20,
MapX = 0,
MapY = 0,
MapDisplayWidth = 14,
MapDisplayHeight = 10,
TileWidth = 32,
TileHeight = 32
} --The new instance
setmetatable(NewInstance, TileMapMT)
return NewInstance
'This module provides access to Files in two places, and two places only:
The root folder of the .love-file. (Alternatively a directory).
The root folder of the write directory.
Each game is granted a single directory on the system where files can be saved through love.filesystem. These directories will typically be something like:
Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Love\game or %appdata%\Love\game
Linux: /home/user/.love/game or ~/.love/game
mac: /Library/Application Support/LOVE/game
Files that are opened for write or append will always be created in the save directory. The same goes for other operations that involve writing to the filesystem, like mkdir.
Files that are opened for read will be looked for in the save directory, and then in the game root folder (in that order). So if a file with a certain filename (and path) exist in both the .love-file and the save folder, the one in the save directory takes precedence.'
Where exactly are files loaded from? I assumed it was from the root folder that 'main.lua' resides in?
I checked, and there is no 'Love' folder in my AppData directory.