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Pixel Art and anti-aliasing

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:08 am
by delcore92
Hello i have some pixel art that is 8x8 and i wish to have it scaled up. my problem is when the image is scaled the pixels are blurred. i want to achieve a nice crisp blocky look. If anyone could help me that would be great :awesome:

Re: Pixel Art and anti-aliasing

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:35 am
by slime
Check out (Image):setFilter or, using the "nearest" filter mode.

Re: Pixel Art and anti-aliasing

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:52 am
by delcore92
Thank you! The problem is solved !

Here's the solution :

Code: Select all

function love.load()"nearest", "nearest")
    ship ="images/spaceship.png")

Re: Pixel Art and anti-aliasing

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:02 am
by kikito
Also consider using integer coordinates (with math.floor) when you draw the ship on the screen. If you use raw float values, you might get "pixel artifacts" - the pixels of the image will "change" while the ship moves.