I'm just starting my first experience with LOVE, it seems really a nice project!
I've a doubt... how to "move" object between layers... i mean.. "back" and "forth"...
Any hints?
Layers order
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- Robin
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Re: Layers order
There aren't really layers, you just change the order in which you draw images (and text etc):
image2 will be drawn on top of image1. To change the order you will want to use tables, instead of using just image1, 10, 10 and image2, 50, 50.
Code: Select all
function love.draw()
love.graphics.draw(image1, 10, 10)
love.graphics.draw(image2, 50, 50)
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Re: Layers order
Mmm if i want to change the order dynamically? I've to redraw all the images?
- Robin
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Re: Layers order
Well, all the images are always redrawn every frame. Since this is a game engine, it is assumed it will usually be dynamic anyway.
There are plenty of example games on the forum, pick one or two and read the source code. That will help you understand how this engine works.
There are plenty of example games on the forum, pick one or two and read the source code. That will help you understand how this engine works.
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Re: Layers order
lol it's true XD thank you so much XD
- Jasoco
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Re: Layers order
I played around with draw order a few weeks ago when I was playing a side-scrolling beat-em-up game (Like TMNT or The Simpsons Arcade) where you could move up or down in the scenery to go in front of or behind another character and figured out the best way for me to achieve a "z-index" was to take every object that needs a z-index, dump it into a new table by y value, while also checking the player's y value and placing it appropriately.. God, that's confusing to read and explain. Here's the code to give an idea...
Though since I created this, I discovered the table.sort() function. I assume that would be a better method than what I used. I created it in the case I ever want to make a TMNT/Simpsons classic Konami-style beat-em-up clone.
Code: Select all
function load()
pi = math.pi
monoFont = love.graphics.newImageFont("images/mono.gif", " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,!?-+/():;%&`'*#=[]\"", 1)
gOff = 200 --Offset of the top edge of the world...
player = { x = 100, y = 50, hp = 100 }
enemy = {}
for i=1,5 do enemy[i] = { x = 100 + (20 * i), y = 120 - (20 * i), hp = 100} end
objBubble = {}
function update(dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown(love.key_left) then player.x = player.x - (256*dt) end
if love.keyboard.isDown(love.key_right) then player.x = player.x + (256*dt) end
if love.keyboard.isDown(love.key_up) then player.y = player.y - (128*dt) end
if love.keyboard.isDown(love.key_down) then player.y = player.y + (128*dt) end
if player.y < 0 then player.y = 0 end
-- When the Update function is called it creates a special table just for all the objects to draw. It then places all the objects and the player into the table based on their Y positions. The player is placed when the time comes, then no more until the next loop.
local playerPlaced = false
objBubble = {}
for i=0,299 do
for j, e in ipairs(enemy) do
if e.y == i then
if e.x < 800 then
table.insert(objBubble, {x = e.x, y = e.y, hp = e.hp, name = "Enemy"})
if math.floor(player.y) == i and playerPlaced == false then
--This part will place the player where it belongs. Once it's placed, it won't be placed again.
table.insert(objBubble, {x = player.x, y = player.y, hp = player.hp, name = "Player" })
playerPlaced = true
function draw()
local data = "FPS: " .. love.timer.getFPS() .. "\n"
data = data .. table.getn(objBubble) .. "\n"
for i, e in ipairs(objBubble) do
love.graphics.rectangle(love.draw_fill, e.x, e.y-64+gOff, 32, 64)
data = data .. e.name .. " " .. e.y .. "\n"
love.graphics.draw(data, 11, 11)
- kikito
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Re: Layers order
table.sort() is really the way to go, in my opinion
When I write def I mean function.
- Jasoco
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Re: Layers order
I would still dump all objects that need to be drawn into a single table, then sort that table by its y values. (With higher Y's coming later than lower Y's. So that lower Y's get drawn first.)
A sample sorting algorithm:
Where var1 would be the table column to sort by. (In this case, the Y) And T is the table name. i.e. sort(tablename)
So, basically, every frame you need to:
1) Reset a table whose one reason for existing is to hold all the objects by calling tablename = {}.
2) Add all enemies to a table -- table.insert(tablename, {x = whatever, y = whatever, etc...}
3) Add all other stuff to the same table
4) Add the player(s) to the same table -- table.insert(tablename, { x = playerx, y = playery, etc...}
5) Sort the table -- sort(tablename)
6) run through the table using for i,t in ipairs(tablename) to draw all the objects
Should work swimmingly.
A sample sorting algorithm:
Code: Select all
function sort(T)
function(first, second)
return first.var1 < second.var1
So, basically, every frame you need to:
1) Reset a table whose one reason for existing is to hold all the objects by calling tablename = {}.
2) Add all enemies to a table -- table.insert(tablename, {x = whatever, y = whatever, etc...}
3) Add all other stuff to the same table
4) Add the player(s) to the same table -- table.insert(tablename, { x = playerx, y = playery, etc...}
5) Sort the table -- sort(tablename)
6) run through the table using for i,t in ipairs(tablename) to draw all the objects
Should work swimmingly.
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