Saving settings between sessions?

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Saving settings between sessions?

Post by mrklotz »

Okay, I'm currently working on a simple gamemenu and was thinking how to store settings between sessions;
Let's take a look at setting resolutions, this is basically what I'd do but if you quit the game the resolution would be back to what is set in the conf.lua or if the entry is missing to the default value.

Code: Select all

function love.draw()
   if state == 'aspr43' then                --aspect ratio 4:3
	elseif state == 'aspr169' then           --aspect ratio 16:9
	elseif state == 'aspr1610' then          --aspect ratio 16:10

Don't mind the syntax, let's call this a "conceptual"- function ;)

Code: Select all

function setres(x1,y1)
    set t.screen.width = x1
    set t.screen.height = y1
So either I have to store the state somehow or overwrite 't.screen.width' & 't.screen.height' inside the conf.lua, any insights?
I know you can add text to a file, but lets assume we do that, then the text would be at the end of conf.lua outside of the 'function love.conf(t)' and thus not applied.
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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by bartbes »

You could read conf.lua, change it and write it back, or a more sane solution would be setting t.screen to false in love.conf and running setMode manually.
You'd store the arguments in a file, something like settings.txt or settings.lua (anything else will do as well), then you are left with 2 choices, either write it in some form you can easily parse, or generate lua code that you can require.
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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by mrklotz »

bartbes wrote:You could read conf.lua, change it and write it back, or a more sane solution would be setting t.screen to false in love.conf and running setMode manually.
You'd store the arguments in a file, something like settings.txt or settings.lua (anything else will do as well), then you are left with 2 choices, either write it in some form you can easily parse, or generate lua code that you can require.
Creating an additional config file via the filesystem sure is interesting but I doubt I'm ready to mess arround with that, also I'd prefer to not clutter the setting over multiple files, I guess that means I'll take a look at r/w conf.lua way. :/
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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by bartbes »

Why not?

Code: Select all

f = love.filesystem.newFIle("settings.txt")

Code: Select all

f = love.filesystem.newFile("settings.txt")
state = f:read()
Easy enough, and if you need more settings there are several ways to do it, easiest is probably using multiple lines, 1 line per setting. (btw, not sure about the read() call)
And, if you modify conf.lua it isn't in the .love, it'd be in the save folder as well.
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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by mrklotz »

bartbes wrote: And, if you modify conf.lua it isn't in the .love, it'd be in the save folder as well.
I didn't even think about that, well I'll give it a shot later.

But for now I habe a new question to pester you with :P
I'm currently using button.lua from the NO demo to create buttons.

Code: Select all

-- NO: A game of numbers
-- Created: 23.08.08 by Michael Enger
-- Version: 0.2
-- Website:
-- Licence: ZLIB
-- Handles buttons and such.

Button = {}
Button.__index = Button

function Button.create(text,x,y)
	local temp = {}
	setmetatable(temp, Button)
	temp.hover = false -- whether the mouse is hovering over the button = false -- whether the mouse has been clicked on the button
	temp.text = text -- the text in the button
	temp.width = font["large"]:getWidth(text)
	temp.height = font["large"]:getHeight()
	temp.x = x - (temp.width / 2)
	temp.y = y
	return temp

function Button:draw()["large"])
	if self.hover then["main"]))
	else["text"])) end, self.x, self.y)

function Button:update(dt)
	self.hover = false
	local x = love.mouse.getX()
	local y = love.mouse.getY()
	if x > self.x
		and x < self.x + self.width
		and y > self.y - self.height
		and y < self.y then
		self.hover = true

function Button:mousepressed(x, y, button)
	if self.hover then
		if audio then["click"])
		return true
	return false
So I can create buttons fine with that, but I'd like to be able to create "small" buttons too, something like this:

Code: Select all

Button = {}
Button.__index = Button

function Button.create(text,x,y,font) -- example Button.create("This is a test", 100, 100, font["small"])
	local temp = {}
	setmetatable(temp, Button)
	temp.hover = false -- whether the mouse is hovering over the button = false -- whether the mouse has been clicked on the button
	temp.text = text -- the text in the button
	temp.width = font:getWidth(text)
	temp.height = font:getHeight()
	temp.x = x - (temp.width / 2)
	temp.y = y
	return temp

function Button:draw()["large"])
	if self.hover then["main"]))
	else["text"])) end, self.x, self.y)
Is a function possible like this? (I'm pretty sure what I did above doesn't work)
Also if it is, how do I hand the font to be used over to the Button:draw() function?
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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by bartbes »

This should work:

Code: Select all

    Button = {}
    Button.__index = Button

    function Button.create(text,x,y,font) -- example Button.create("This is a test", 100, 100, font["small"])
       local temp = {}
       setmetatable(temp, Button)
       temp.hover = false -- whether the mouse is hovering over the button = false -- whether the mouse has been clicked on the button
       temp.text = text -- the text in the button
       temp.width = font:getWidth(text)
       temp.height = font:getHeight()
       temp.x = x - (temp.width / 2)
       temp.y = y
       temp.font = font
       return temp

    function Button:draw()
       if self.hover then["main"]))
       else["text"])) end, self.x, self.y)

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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by Robin »

Something you might not know (judging your code):

Code: Select all

t["key"] == t.key
And it works the other way around as well:

Code: Select all

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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by mrklotz »

bartbes wrote:This should work:
Indeed it does, thank you very much and I wasn't even that far off.
Robin wrote:Something you might not know (judging your code):

Code: Select all

t["key"] == t.key
And it works the other way around as well:

Code: Select all

Yes you are right, I didn't know that, should save same time on tablecalls ;)

So for

Code: Select all["main"]))  -- why do I need the unpack anyway?
Well back to work on the load/save- system, I'll post the whole thing when it's done, it's probably not well coded at all but you could just alter the used resources, modify the draw sections of the diffrent menu pages pop the states for the "new game" and "load" in and would have a working titlemenu for someones game. ;)
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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by Robin »

mrklotz wrote:

Code: Select all  -- why do I need the unpack anyway?
That's because doesn't take a table as argument: it takes three or four numbers:

Code: Select all, 0, 0) -- red
unpack() unpacks a table into an argument list:

Code: Select all{255, 0, 0})) -- red
The table constructor {} can do the reverse (although it is much more powerful):

Code: Select all

{unpack({255, 0, 0})} -- gives {255, 0, 0}
--or perhaps more relevant:
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Re: Saving settings between sessions?

Post by mrklotz »

Robin wrote:That's because doesn't take a table as argument: it takes three or four numbers:

Code: Select all, 0, 0) -- red
unpack() unpacks a table into an argument list:

Code: Select all{255, 0, 0})) -- red
The table constructor {} can do the reverse (although it is much more powerful):

Code: Select all

{unpack({255, 0, 0})} -- gives {255, 0, 0}
--or perhaps more relevant:
Thanks for the explanation Robin, and back to the original question at hand.
I already asked a bit about it in the IRC where some kind people tried to explain it to me but still I failed to graps it in its entirety.

What bartbes posted helped quite a bit, but just as he wrote I'd like to store more things in the file, and I have no idea how I can read/write to specific lines in a file.
Just as bartbes posted this is what I'd use for writing a single entry to a file

Code: Select all

if love.filesystem.exists("data.txt") = true then
	f = love.filesystem.newfile("data.txt")
Also I'm a bit stumped on how to create the file if it does not exist; according to the docs: love.filesystem.newfile - "Creates a new File object. An error will occur if the specified file does not exist. "
So how do I create the file then in the first place? f = love.filesystem.newfile("data.txt") should return an error if the file isn't existant, meaning I can't define the file thus preventing me from opening it/creating it. (some peeps on IRC meant when you open a non existant file it would be created, but I'd have no fileobject to open in this case?)

Any help would be appreciated, on that Note since I started here I got awesome help, thank you very much for that.
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