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From me to you, a big haloo?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:44 am
by nonesuchplace
Somewhere around the comma is about where I would be wishing that I didn't believe that Voice in my head that tells me "Everything you think sounds awesome in real life. Just say it!"

I am new to Love, and will likely be asking a lot of strange questions. I picked it up because I have had this itch in my skull of a game idea for a few years. I have turned one version of it into a functional board game that kept some of my friends and I entertained for a few evenings (that is, until I moved suddenly and lost the hardcopy.) I have had lots of pages of design documents for this too. Until some move or another.

You know, I always assumed that you lost some random subset of your belongings to the moving gnomes, but apparently they have a taste for important and irreplaceable documents. Go figure. This is the last sentence of this paragraph.

So, yeah, back on topic. Love newbie, and the only Lua experience that I have is looking over bits and pieces of Garry's Mod and the various extensions for that. I do have experience in some other languages like PHP (I was more interested in visual design then,) and Ruby (never really did much with that, lost interest part way through because I wasn't trying to develop a web app.) Needless to say, I am buckling down and writing reference sheets for myself (which worked for me and PHP, as well as me and CSS, XHTML, etc.) so that I will have an easy-to-use reference that will make sense to me (and no-one else.)

Oh, and I was going over some of my more recent design docs today while browsing the forums here to look at projects. Guess what I discovered? Roughly half of the "Wow, cool!" elements of the design being implemented elsewhere. I was simultaneously enthused ("Cool, I can ask for help, and _they will know what I am saying!_",) and saddened ("Oh, wait. My ideas aren't so unique then...".)

So, yeah. Hi. How be thee?

Re: From me to you, a big haloo?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:48 am
I be thee super! I got updated recently! :neko:

And how be thee you?

Re: From me to you, a big haloo?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:34 am
by kikito
Hi there!
nonesuchplace wrote:Somewhere around the comma is about where I would be wishing that I didn't believe that Voice in my head [...]
The Voice in my Head tells me Everything You Know is Wrong all the time. I believe it, which means it is wrong. :ultrahappy:

Anyway, welcome.

Side note: you should give Ruby another try (on Rails!). Once you get your head around it, it is great. Even if you aren't into web development, learning how those guys do stuff will give you +3 on Programming Insight. I'd probably wait until they release rails 3.0 though

Re: From me to you, a big haloo?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:02 pm
by TechnoCat
LÖVE wrote:I be thee super! I got updated recently! :neko:

And how be thee you?
Is LOVE getting an active mascot now?

Re: From me to you, a big haloo?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:31 pm
by bartbes

@TechnoCat: Not officially, but I'm sure LÖVE will behave.

Re: From me to you, a big haloo?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:47 pm
by nonesuchplace
@LÖVE: Thanks for the welcome, I didn't know you were a sentient piece of software. Oh, and I be well as well.

@kikito: I will take your advice on that. I think i still have Ruby installed on my netbook, and Why's Poignant Guide kicking around on some media somewhere. The trick is to figure out how to update rails on my webspace...

@all: Thanks for your welcomes. ^.^