My Introduction

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My Introduction

Post by Lanidrak »

Hey Love2D community,

i'm pretty much new here, I came in search of putting together a team for working on a project of mine. See my original first post on project recruitment.

I have a tonne of experience gaming :). Not sure if that amounts to anything, but I generally know what - to me at least - makes a game successful, addictive and fun.

My favorite Genres are without a doubt, RTS and Strategy RPGs, but I equally love FPS and any sort of game which makes you think logically about the choices you make.

Well, hello :)
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Re: My Introduction

Post by bartbes »

Lanidrak wrote:I have a tonne of experience gaming :). Not sure if that amounts to anything, but I generally know what - to me at least - makes a game successful, addictive and fun.
Exactly, to you, so yeah, it amounts to nothing. :P

Seriously, the only way to find out is to actually create something, and if you do, we'll be here for you.

Disclaimer: I am obliged to tell you that all I said above was either the truth, or a big lie.
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Re: My Introduction

Post by Lanidrak »

Haha, well, in a more simplistic way of looking at things - I can also tell when a game is badly conceptualized, terribly put together, has poor graphics and might appeal to 11 and 12 year olds. Generally speaking, to me, a game has to have a well developed storyline - Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood Wars being my favorite RTS example of this, in the RPG field, I would have to go for Dragon Age: Origins or The Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion.

If the game relies purely on game-play and doesn't need an immersive storyline to keep you playing, then it has to have pretty addictive game play. For this, I would quote Counterstrike 1.6 and definitely Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2, definitely anything with extensive online capabilities, such as Warcraft III on - especially because of it's worldedit software which allows you to pretty much create anything you can dream of, in the frame of the Warcraft III game-style.

So, I'm pretty well traveled in my gaming shoes, but I have to agree with you, it does amount to nothing because preference is simply perspective.

ps. I keep clicking that damn 'save' button instead of 'submit'... First time I posted I was like, where's my damn post?!
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