A power up floating by in the first level
(You start out with three lives, even though I only have two)
After getting the powerup
Placing the block down (can be used to save yourself from death, obviously)
A little bad guy
The boss (he throws blocks)
I made this with two friends from school who did art and music, however they wouldn't want their names posted on the internet.
Download: Bighead.love
(Special thanks to bartbes for helping me out on a love.filesystem.load bug on windows )
There is a way you can get into a level editor I made through code, but we didn't release it with the game as no one would want to make levels for it anyway and it's incredibly basic.
I'd thought I'd leave the different worlds here for you all to see, and the main feature in them
Code: Select all
World 1: Overworld (Basic parts of game)
World 2: Desert (Glass, lots of teleporters)
World 3: Cave (Downwards spike, baddies in harder places)
World 4: Ice (Ice :P)
World 5: First 4 worlds "reprise" (Nothing new, it's just a bit of a milestone)
World 6: Grass/Water (Water)
World 7: Techno (Laser shooters)
World 8: Maze (Vertical map height)
World 9: Moon (Lower gravity)
World 10: Boss world ("reprise" of first 9 levels + awesome boss fight)
Have fun, leave criticism (I know he doesn't have varying jump height, I couldn't get it right for some reason) and feel free to examine my somewhat crappy code! (Also Robin, if you're reading this and you remember this viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8306 then I promise I won't kill your computer this time. Friends? )