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Synchronised audio example

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:22 pm
by benhumphreys
I put my money where my mouth is and tried some very simple music synchronisation with Löve.

It seems that with no effort, stuff syncs pretty well. Even with a (very) artificial stress test that reduces the framerate to 20fps or so.
I am hoping to expand this to make some procedural music in a game.

I've made two prototypes to demonstrate this. Music credit goes to Bob Simpson.

Audio Sync over a long period of time:
7 layers are played over a few minutes. Stuff doesn't get out of sync over that time.

Toggle layers with the beat:
Toggle layers on and off. Layers are only started at the start of bars.

Edit: Video here of the layers in action.

So yeah, it seems to work pretty well out of the box.

What do you think?