I'm wondering if my method for removing inactive entities (e.g. enemies) is enough for destroying the actual object and deallocating it from memory, I would like any advice on this, if possible.
This is my current approach:
Every object is described as a SECS class, with the usual init(), update() and draw() functions/methods. Every object has an “active” property, defined as a “self.active” boolean variable inside the init block:
Filename: grumpyEnemy.lua
Code: Select all
function grumpyEnemy:init(x, y)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.active = true
In the case of my enemies, all my “enemies” instances are stored inside an “enemies” table, managed directly in my level class. I loop through all my level objects in the update cycle. When I dispose of an object, I first check its active status and, if set to false, I proceed to remove it from the corresponding table :
Filename: level.lua
Code: Select all
function level:init()
self.enemies = {}
--this level currently has only one grumpy enemy:
self.enemies[1] = grumpyEnemy:new(100,100)
function level:update(dt)
-- I will loop through all the level tables and update each object as necessary:
for k,v in pairs(self) do
for i = 1, #v do
-- update each object:
if v[i].update then
-- now, if the object is inactive, remove it from the object table:
if (v[i].active == false) then
table.remove(v, i)
Thanks for your time!