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Trouble handling collision using Advanced Tiled Loader

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:35 pm
by vine
I'm using to handle map loading from Tiled, but I'm having difficulty getting the coordinates of individual tiles.

I had planned to iterate through every tile and check for

Code: Select all

if == true and tile.x >= (etc..)
but I can't pull the tile.x or tile.y coordinates from the class.
How do I grab the tile coordinates.. or is there a better way of handling collision using ATL?

Re: Trouble handling collision using Advanced Tiled Loader

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:36 pm
by mathacka
I'm not entirely sure I understand the problem, could you attach a .love file? If the problem is finding a certain tile's x,y coordinates, couldn't you iterate through a loop in a load function and use that as the "map coordinates" for your collision reference?