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[SOLVED] Multiple conf.lua files?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:27 am
by Germanunkol

I am still working on my game which has a (headless) server and a client side application. Currently, I have the Server and the client in two different folders using different sets scripts. However, lots of functions on the server and on the client are the same and I don't want to keep on changing them for both, each time I make an update to one of them. That's one of the reasons why I want to merge the two.
My Problem is that the server needs to run headless and thus needs to be called with a different conf.lua file, so its main file needs to be in a different folder than the main file of the client.
I tried to make two folders called Server and Client and put the main.lua files and corresponding conf.lua files in there.
Here's the setup:

Code: Select all

- Client
	- main.lua
	- conf.lua
- Server
	- main.lua
	- conf.lua
- Scripts			(these should be shared by server and client)
	- script1.lua
	- script2.lua
- Images			(also shared by server and client)
	- Image1.lua
	- Image2.lua
This gives me multiple problems:
I CAN include the scripts using
package.path = "../Scripts/?.lua;" .. package.path

However, I CANNOT add the images in the same way. just won't find them
package.path = "../Images/?.png;" .. package.path

Also, when I distribute my game, this won't work as a .love file.

What I'd rather have is a way to change the conf.lua file depending on the command line arguments. But I cannot find a way to do this, since conf.lua runs _before_ I ever get to the arguments in love.load.
Any ideas? module must be disabled on the server at startup... otherwise I'll get errors and it won't run on my webserver.

Re: Multiple conf.lua files?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:06 pm
by teomat
You can check command line arguments inside conf.lua and then set different parameters based on that.

Example conf.lua:

Code: Select all

local server = arg[1] == '-server'

if server then
    function love.conf(t)
        -- server config
    function love.conf(t)
        -- client config

Re: [SOLVED] Multiple conf.lua files?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:43 pm
by Germanunkol
Perfect. Thank you!

I did not know that arg was a global variable.
It's working just as I wanted it.