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LUBE help

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:43 pm
by raen79
Hey guys, I don't really understand how LUBE works, can someone please give me a very simple code for a client and a server. A server that simply receives text that the client sends it, that would be incredibly nice. I am so desperate I spent all day trying to understand this...

Re: LUBE help

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:02 pm
by raen79
Up ? :(

Re: LUBE help

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:16 pm
by Roland_Yonaba
I am not a specialist of that networking library, but I can redirect you to that very complete post Technocat did a long time ago on these forums.
See here.
Hope it helps.
Otherwise, you can still give more details on what want to accomplish, and maybe post a *.love showing what you come up with.

Re: LUBE help

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:57 pm
by raen79
I had already seen this thread, but they are all outdated examples, so they don't work with the new love 0.8.0 or the new LUBE. Since I could not find a tutorial, I was hoping for a tiny example just to see how it works, instead of a tutorial you know ;)

Re: LUBE help

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:29 am
by Karai17
This is a basic server

Code: Select all

require "LUBE.LUBE"

port = 12345

connection = lube.tcpServer()
connection.handshake = "handshake"
connection:setPing(true, 6, "ping\n")

connection.callbacks.recv = function(d, id) recv(d, id) end
connection.callbacks.connect = function(id) connect(id) end
connection.callbacks.disconnect = function(id) disconnect(id) end

print('Server started on port: ' .. tostring(port))

	Client Connects to Server
	clientId		= Unique client ID
function connect(clientId)
	print('Client connected: ' .. tostring(clientId))

	Client Disconnects from Server
	clientId		= Unique client ID
function disconnect(clientId)
	print('Client disconnected: ' .. tostring(clientId))

	Receive Data from Client
	data			= Data received
	clientId		= Unique client ID
function recv(data, clientId)
	print('Client data received from: ' .. tostring(clientId) .. ' containing: ' .. data)
and here is a basic client

Code: Select all

require "LUBE.LUBE"

host = "localhost"
port = 12345

connection = lube.tcpClient()
connection.handshake = "handshake"
connection:setPing(true, 2, "ping\n")

connection.callbacks.recv = function(d) recv(d) end

if connection:connect(host, port, true) then
	print('Connect to ' .. host .. ': ' .. port)

	Receive Data from Server
	data			= Data received
function recv(data)
	print('Server data received: ' .. data)
To send data back and forth, you'd just use connection:send(data) from either server or client. If you are sending from the server, you can use connection:send(data, clientId) to send to a specific client. Omitting that will send the data to every client.

Don't forget to add connection:update(dt) to your love.update(dt) function or else the callbacks will not fire.