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[LD25] Not Space Invaders

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:24 pm
by munchor
Yet another Ludum Dare, yet another game with Lua/LÖVE.

Links for various OSs including the .love, description and screenshots can all be found here.


Thanks for some guys like leafo and Nix from #love who helped me with a few things, like overriding to change transparency of all stuff at the same time without using blend modes: " = function(r, g, b) setColorFunction(r, g, b, 30) end". Of course, on love.load() I have: "setColorFunction =".

On my last Ludum Dare, I also used Lua/LÖVE, but I didn't structure my code, so the user had to close and reopen the window to play again. I was much more careful this time. Oh, and I also used delta time for movement calculations this time.