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Compiling for win and mac on linux
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:42 pm
by Gallefray
Hi all, I don't know if this problem has been sorted in the forums before or not, but I'm short on time at the moment D:
Is there anyway to compile my .love into binary form for windows and mac, when I'm on linux.
I don't at the moment have access to my windows computer, and I don't have a mac, so is there anyway to do this?
I would have though that for windows I could just do the following:
Code: Select all
cp -u love.exe lovegame.exe
Unfortunately my knowledge of the CLI is quite good but not good enough to know whether it would work.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Compiling for win and mac on linux
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:52 am
by Inny
If you're building a .exe for windows from either mac or linux, you can use this command:
Code: Select all
cat love.exe > mygame.exe
Re: Compiling for win and mac on linux
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:52 am
by josefnpat
I wrote some scripts a while back, and came up with the following which I used for LD24.
These scripts build for windows, OSX and the love file.
Check out my and from
Re: Compiling for win and mac on linux
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:26 pm
by Gallefray
Inny wrote:If you're building a .exe for windows from either mac or linux, you can use this command:
Code: Select all
cat love.exe > mygame.exe
thanks! this will help loads
From what I can understand:
Code: Select all
cp dev/build_data/ tmp/${NAME}_${GIT}.app -Rv
Creates a folder containing the contents of
Code: Select all
cp ${NAME}_${GIT}.love tmp/${NAME}_${GIT}.app/Contents/Resources/
Copy's the .love into the folder of
Code: Select all
patch tmp/${NAME}_${GIT}.app/Contents/Info.plist -i dev/build_data/osx.patch
patches the contents of osx.patch with Info.plist? I don't understand what and why this does that... :/
Code: Select all
zip -r ../${NAME}_macosx[$GIT].zip ${NAME}_${GIT}.app
obviously bundles it up into an application
Re: Compiling for win and mac on linux
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:21 pm
by josefnpat