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[Prototype] PRISMATIC - simple abstract multi-player game

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:55 pm
by MZ|One
Hey everyone,

I've done a prototype of a simple abstract multi-player game and I would like to know what you think. It's a player vs player duel, and you win when you obtain either all four symbols of any one colour, or all four symbols of any one shape. Each round, several symbols are available that you can bet your tokens upon (you do not see how does your opponent bet), and whoever bets more on the symbol wins it over.


The rules are explained in more detail in game - see Rules in the lobby. You can play against an online opponent (there's an elementary matchmaking system in place), or practice vs. AI, which is somewhat ridiculous at this point, but can help you understand the rules.


It's Windows only, because it runs on a modified LÖVE client. In the end, I chose to write my own network code, because all the other solutions that I've tried either did not work very well, or those that did were blocked on my university network. I would like to extend this later to make it work on Linux and MacOS as well.

What I need at this point is to know what you think. This is a very simple prototype - I am interested mostly in two questions:
1] Do you like the mechanic? Can you understand it easily? Would you like to play this, when it would be more polished?
2] Does the online part work on your machine and network?

This is an early prototype - mostly a proof of concept. It is not polished in any way and may behave somewhat flaky at times, although I've tried to make it reasonably stable. Please bear with this and if something doesn't seem to work, please just quit the application (the 'Q' key) and try it one more time.

These are how I would like to improve the game if I would work on it further:
=> Personalised accounts - avatar, name, etc.
=> Rating system and ladders, better matchmaking
=> Toss and rework the visuals
=> Music and sound
=> Achievements
=> AI that is actually not ridiculous
=> Much more, obviously

LöveFrames - cheers!

When you start this up, you'll need to create an account - basically if that works, then the network code should work alright on your machine and network. If the network code would seem not to work properly, I would appreciate if you could send me the output_X files that the game should create (you can e-mail them to me,, without all the dashes) and describe what internet connection you are on.

Some people should be online now, so you should be able to match up with an online opponent. I'll try to be online pretty much nonstop, so that there's is someone to play against if there's nobody else .)

All comments and ideas appreciated.


Re: [Prototype] PRISMATIC - simple abstract multi-player gam

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:28 pm
by Positive07
Thats an exe file you know right? most of people here uses Linux or Mac so please load a love file not a Zip *crap* file. Thanks

Now the game is awesome and so the idea i think its a great game even if its not finished.
Sujestion... make an AI! it would be awesome